Chapter 4

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As the limo pulls up at Mr. Hutchison girlfriends home he hopped out of the limo and walks up to the door "remember be good" Mr. Hutchison said softly as he looks down at his pocket as he rings the door bell. "Don't worry sir I well" Nikki replied as the front door opens followed by a female voice "Adrian you made it" the female said as she went to hug her boyfriend. "Before you hug me dear let me take my little pet out" Adrian replied as he gently pulls Nikki out of his pocket "you got yourself a girl companion" the giantess asked as she looked at Nikki with a disgusted look on her face.

"Yeah I did, why is there something wrong honey" Adrian asked looking at his girlfriend with a worried look on his face. "Umm no I just want want you be happy that's all" Connie replied as she gave her man a kiss while she glares at Nikki "ready to head in" Adrian asked as he gave his girl a kiss back "oh yeah sorry about that honey" Connie replied as she takes a hold of Adrian's hand as they headed inside.

As they are walking down the hall Nikki looks around "you have a nice place mam" Nikki said as she looked up at Connie with a smile "why thank you" Connie replied as she looked away and made a discussed face "Your welcome" Nikki replied as she looked away and rubs her arm "well this is awkward" Nikki said to herself. "So honey how's your little one doing" Adrian asked as he broke the awkward silence "oh she's doing ok she should be back tonight or tomorrow" Connie replied giving Adrian a smile. "Man this girl my master is dating sounds ok" Nikki said to herself not knowing Connie is pretending to be nice.

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