Chapter 17

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Later that night

As Adrian walks in he quickly walks up the stairs "Adrian I thought were going watch a movie" Connie called as she watches Adrian run up the stairs "We are I just have to grab something" Adrian called back. As Adrian made it to the top floor he saw Nikki sitting on the step "hey" Adrian said softly as he sits down on the step "hi" Nikki replied as she looks down at her hands "I'm sorry for getting mad like that" Adrian said as he looked away "it's ok master I forgive you" Nikki said looking up at him as her stomach growls "here I got this for you" Adrian said softly as he pulled her out a bag with food "thanks" Nikki replied as she takes the bag from him.

"Hey were going to watch a movie want to join us" Adrian asked as he placed his hand beside her "sure I love to" Nikki replied as she crawled into his hand. Once she was all set Adrian stands up to his full hight and heads back down stairs "what movie are we watching" Nikki asked as she looks up at him as she started to eat her food "I don't know some dumb movie" Adrian chuckled as he looked down at Nikki.

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