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Taylor's P. O. V.

Man I'm so happy for my bitches, they got they niggas mane. I know y'all wondering what's going on with Rock and I, we've been trying to work on things lately. Right now we are all in the living room lookin at 'Insidious Chapter 3' on Netflix, I and Rock are on the long couch, Tyler and Loco on the love seat lastly James and Del were in the chair cuddled up.

"Oh shit!" Tyler overreacting ass yelled just a little making Loco shake his head. I turned around not facing the movie anymore, I tuned to see Rocky was sound asleep, I traced his eyebrows and looked deeply into the kid features. My stomach was feeling some way as I looked at his lips, its like something was different. Maybe I had to throw up? He moved around a little making sure to keep his arm around me as he snuggled his head into my neck, making my heart jump as I felt a vibe from him that I've never felt. I think I'm starting to actually like him, I think I've finally realized that. Why would I argue with him? Cause I like him. Wow. Shit mad new to me give me a minute.

~2hours Later~

So maybe I needed a little longer but yeah so the movie over and everyone wants to go out.

"Yo I think we should go to Tasha house party." James said making Del's eyebrow go up.

"Who Tasha? Oh mkay." She said laughing trying to play it off as if she didn't care. He shook his head, smacking her forehead lightly.

"She's a prostitute." He stated rolling his eyes as she had this sour look on her face making me laugh.

"Aye let's go to that party at the beach downtown, Jackson hosting." Rocky said coming from out the kitchen eating on a snickers ice cream.

"Bitch I know you don't have my ice cream in ya hand." Tyler said standing up from her seat running towards him. She jumped straight on his back getting the ice making everybody laugh cause that bitch crazy bout her sweets. She walked back to her seat eating her ice cream sitting back down.

"Yeah let's hit that up, what time?" Del asked standing up looking at her watch to see it was 6:49.

"9, I'm trynna stay till I pass out." Rocky said laughing.

"Lemme go take my shower! See y'all hoes." Tyler said running up the stairs with Loco coming after her.

"Anyways cause it only takes me 30 minutes to get ready, I'm going to take a nap wake me up at 8:15." James said going upstairs with Del following him. I went to the kitchen with Rocky following me.

"Ma? Can I ask you a question?" Rocky said out of the red making me turn towards him leaning against the counter, he stood in front of me with his hands on my waist.

"When you gone stop playing hard to get and let be with you?" He asked putting me on the counter making my eyebrow raise but on the inside my stomach had butterflies.

"When you gone stop entertaining these hoes and focus on me?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest, he put them to my sides kissing my lips gently.

"I already am, ion know how you don't recognize that shit yo." He said sighing making me feel a little bad cause no lie I am hard on him but ion wanna be seen as no fool.

"Gimmie ya phone then." I said and with no words spoken he did just that. "Password?" I asked biting my bottom lips.

"Taylor Sha'Laya Sasali." He said blushing a little as my cheeks went straight red, as I put my full name in his phone it unlocked making my heart jump, I went through his Facebook, Kik, Instagram, checked his likes, comments and even his gallery. There was nothing, he didnt text girls back, he stated he "Had a girlfriend." which made me feel special. He did this shit for me? Even when I was being a asshole to him he dodged these hoes for me? He deserve mad shit for this.

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