Red Dye

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Tyler's P. O. V.

Walking into McDonalds with Loco to get my Mcflurry I was craving, its about 10 at night but shit.

"Baby hurry up man I'm ready to get in bed." He said complaining in his sweat shirt, gray sweats and pink Nike slides with black ankle socks.

"Shut the fuck up, make me." I said but mumbling the last part, he sucked his teeth.

"Wait till we get home." He mumbled wrapping his arm around my waist walking to the cash register, now it was this girl who had long ass tracks, her lips were covered in cheap ass black lip stick, her titties were popping out of her shirt making me automatically roll my eyes.

"What can I get" She asked LOCO! Not I , the bitch was dead ass starring at my nigga.

"He don't want shit but I do, yeah get me a Oreo mcflurry." I stated eye balling her as she rolled her eyes typing in the price of the shake. Turning to my side I see Loco looking at her too, giving the bitch a time of day.

"Wait one minute." She said walking away to the machine, he looked at her ass as she walked away. I smacked him in the head, walking out the restaurant going straight into the car, after about 2 minutes he came out with my mcflurry. He opened the car door getting in handing me my shake, I snatched it keeping silent.

"Stop acting like that yo." He muttered making my head snap his way, shaking my head I said nothing back. After 5 minutes we were back home, getting inside I see Rocky and Shadel playing eachother in black ops.

"Man ya toaster strudel neck ass cheating." Del said and he pushed her off the couch.

"Hoes mad, hoes mad." He sung Famous Dex making me chuckle but swear to y'all I came to reality when Loco had the nerve to touch my arm, I snatched out his grip making him sigh.

"The recipient. Give it." I said and he looked hesitant, y'all gonna see why I asked now. He handed me the recipient and when I opened it there was fuckin number...this bitch took it? He TOOK it! Okay bet. "Use it and get ya ass out." I said lowly and Lo looked like he didn't believe what I said.

"Bae stop playing." He said making me snap my head in his direction.

"Bitch I ain playing, get out the fuck." I yelled pointing to the door but he didn't move. "Bet, I'll go." I said walking towards the door only to be pulled back by my upper arm.

"Doing too fuckin much right now, get ya ass up stairs and lemme explain myself, hear me out before ya jump to conclusion." He said making me frown and my pussy wet. He so aggressive but gentle, I love this shit. He kissed my forehead before letting go walking into the kitchen, I walked upstairs as he said going straight into our room. Sitting on the bed, a minute later Lo came in with a fat ass bowl of ice cream, a pack of oreos, and a box of brownies.

"Thank you." I mumbled not lookin at him, I know he's mad at me..I can feel it. But at this moment I'm just as mad as he is, he sat on the end of the bed.

"I wasn't going to use it, I was going to throw the shit in the trash." He said lowly but loud enough fa me to hear. I shook my head lookin at my oso interesting pattern in my cover.

"You were starring at her, little problems always get bigger. I feel as if I say something now it won't happen anymore ion wanna wait till its too late." I stated looking up to see him nod in agreement.

"I did look at her, I'm not gonna lie. But as I said at the club yesterday night, ion see these girls how I see you, not as in ion see them..but how you look in my eyes your beautiful in and out. I see you fa you ma." He said as he climbed on top of me kissing my nose looking into my eyes, I smile.

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