Chapter Twenty Two

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The boys had one their awards, the girls and I have been blogging it up along with keeping up with Cameron and Nash while they're traveling for MAGCON. The girls both flew home for the holidays while I've been in Los Angeles with dance. I planned to spend Christmas with Cameron's family since they are like mine. Harry had flew home to see his family and I hated it from the time difference so I barely talked to him.

As I sat on the couch waiting for Cameron's arrival so we could drive out, I was watching Grey's Anatomy because it's the only thing that I like on at the moment.

"It's open!" I yelled as there was a knock on the door.

"You really shouldn't just say that." A familiar British tone rang through the room and I shot off the couch to him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Did you really think I wasn't going to spend the holidays with my girlfriend?"

"I'm spending them with Cameron though."

"I actually planned this before I left, my mum wanted you to come spend the holidays with us since your parents went on a cruise." He smiled at me.

"Well I'm already packed so, I guess let's go?" I laughed as I went to grab my bags.

"You may need warmer clothes babe."

"Yeah, I just thought about that."

I laughed before pulling out things and folding what he would hand me to pack. After about thirty minutes, I had a pile of clothes to fix when I returned and two duffle bags with my backpack.


As we arrived to London, Harry and I would stay at his place tonight then drive over to Holmes Chapel tomorrow morning.

"Babe?" Harry said snapping me from my trance that I didn't know I was in.

"Sorry, I was in daze." I said looking at him.

"We're here." He laughed as he helped me grab our bags.

We carried them to his room and it's extremely clean.

"Your mom's been here."

"Oh hush."

"No, seriously. Look, she left you a note." I laughed taking it from the bed side table and handing it to him so he could read it.

"I already knew this and she tells me again." He shakes his head.


"She's making sure I was bringing you back."

"I get to meet your hot mom and gorgeous sister."

"Not you too." He groaned.

"She is a hot mom."

"I'm changing this subject, we need to go into town."


"You need a new phone."

"I was gonna handle it when I get back."

"I'm going to handle it now." He smiled pulling me behind him.

"Harry, I look like a rat." I pulled my arm back.

"No, you-"

"You're my boyfriend, I could wear a paper bag and you'd still find me attractive."

"This is true. Go change and we'll go." He said before walking to his closet.

I put on a tan oversized sweater, jeans, and my knee high brown boots. I threw my hair into a messy bun and slipped a scarf on then brushed my teeth before grabbing my purse to find Harry in the kitchen.

"Ready?" He smiled and I nodded.

He led me to his Audi and he began driving to the store. As we parked, he child locked me so he had to open the door. Not shocking at all honestly, he took my hand and we walked in the store together.

"Hi, can I help you?" A brunette woman smiled to him.

"Yes, I need to look into getting her a new phone." He smiled at me.

"Okay, is it an upgrade or replacement?"

"No, she needed to get an International plan so I was going to go ahead and get her a newer phone." She nodded and we followed her.

"Which phone would you like?" She smiled.

"The newest one." He answered for me and she excused herself to go and get it.

"Harry, it's the length of my head." I said showing him the prototype next to us.

"Well, you have a mini computer." He smiled.

"Leave the jokes to me." I patted his chest and he wrapped his arm around my back.

When the woman returned, I was able to keep my number from the states so I was so relieved. We got it all transferred and set up, Harry had paid for it and bought a life proof case because I'm accident prone. He even said it himself. We returned to his house and he called Chinese take out for us to have a movie night. We watched a few movies but we really didn't watch it after we ate but I'm not complaining...

"Hey babe?"


"Don't be nervous for tomorrow, okay? She already likes you."


"Yes, she said she's ready to learn all about you." He chuckled.

"What have you told her about me?"

"Not too much, just how much I care about you and that I want you to join me when you can on tour and how great of a dancer you are." I perked up to his words.

"Wait what?"

"I told her how much I care about you?"

"After that."

"How great of a dancer you are?"

"Before that."

"Oh, you coming on tour with me when you're available." He smirked at me.

"Are you for real?" I said like a little kid getting a puppy.

"Yes baby."

"OH MY GOSH!" I shouted jumping up and down before kissing him.

"That was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life." He chuckled at me.

"I'm sorry this is literally the best news besides finding out that I was talking to you and didn't even know." I said almost crying before he kissed me.

"Don't cry."

"It's happy crying so it's not bad."

"I don't want you crying though."

"I'm sorry, I'm a girl and I'm emotional." I laughed.

"Come on, we need to get some rest. We leave early tomorrow morning." He smiled leading me upstairs.

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