Chapter Thirty Eight

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The girls and I left at the same time the boys did, we headed off to another mall and spent several hours there before I was ready to go back. Eleanor and I were the lazy ones, who decided to sleep. The sad part was this continued the whole day, when Harry came back he ended up joining us and Bear.

Gemma and Sophia wanted to take Lux ice skating the following day, but I wasn't really in the best mood since I had a headache all morning. When I was going to the airport, something was off and I wasn't sure what it was.

While we all sat on the plane, I just played music to waste time while Bear just slept on my lap. When we got off the plane, I was fully aware that we'd be leaving tomorrow after the concert and I just kept my things together. I decided to stay at hotel while the boys went to the concert, Eleanor agreed to stay and watch out for me since I had been a bit off. As I stood there in the shower, I was just singing to myself when it hit me.

Where's Zayn been?

He hadn't even talked to me since I arrived the other day.

He was one of the people that I became closest too, aside from Harry. While I was in New York, he'd FaceTime me and ask how things were. He'd Snapchat me, we'd talk about everything; the wedding, he'd call for help with Perrie, I'd call him with anxiety stuff if Harry was busy, he said he a present to give me when I arrived too.

He left.

That's why he hasn't been around, I'm so stupid for missing this.

I turned off the shower and grabbed my phone after I wrapped a towel around my body. My immediate idea was to check his location, as I scrambled around for it, he was last seen in London yesterday.

Maybe something has happened back home or with Perrie? I'll just call him.

I impatiently bounced my knee before the line clicked on the fourth ring.


"Hey, I saw you flew to London. Is everything okay with your family and Perrie?"

"Yeah, everyone's alright."

"Great, so when are you coming back on tour?" I asked in excitement.

He stayed silent, which made me nervous and I was praying that my original thought was still wrong. "Savanna, I'm not coming back."

My heart dropped to my feet and everything felt like it was spinning, this is another joke like the Eleanor and Louis break up. "What?"

"I'm sorry, I thought they told you love."

"I," I couldn't even get anything out, but he spoke up, "Please tell me this is a joke."

"I wish I could say that."

"I just-I can't-I don't know what to say."

"I have to go, I'll talk to you later. Okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I just answered so I could get off the phone.

I dropped the phone when the call ended, I fell to the bathroom floor before the tears began coming out. I couldn't stop them and at this point, I didn't care. Eleanor walked in after she heard my sobs over the television and Bear was sitting outside the bathroom door. She had me change and lay down in bed, I quickly did because I was over everything.

Why didn't anyone tell me?

Who was supposed to tell me?

How long did they think that I wouldn't notice?

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