Chapter Thirty Three

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"Toss me my phone, please." I smiled to Cameron as it rang.

I slid my finger across the screen and pressed it to my ear.


"Hi, I'm looking for Savanna Barwick." The deep male voice spoke.

"This is her."

"Ah, hello Savanna. I'm Jerry Mitchell."

I froze as I recognized his name, why would he call me?

"Oh my god." I choked out before he laughed on the other line.

"That's what I was hoping to hear, I'm pulling a group together for another live production of Legally Blonde on Broadway. I'd like for you to play Margot, you have the perfect personality and talent."

"Are you for real?"

"Of course, I've been getting shown videos of your dancing all week. The auditions have been running all month, but no one stuck out for the Margot part. I feel like you can."

"I'd love to!"

"This is wonderful news, I'll have a jet pick you up in Los Angeles to bring you to New York on tomorrow. Your rehearsals will start Monday morning."

"Wait, Monday?"

"Is that a problem?"

Yes, I'm supposed to fly across the country and be with my boyfriend for Valentines Day.

"I just had a trip already planned for me to fly out next Friday from here."

"Well, the show is on air the March 16th."

"I'll be ready tomorrow, I just need to make a phone call." I sighed to him.

"The night of the show, I'll fly you out where you need to go."

"Hong Kong, that's where I'll need to fly to."

"Anything you need before I leave you to packing?"

"Can I bring my dog?" I said before we both laughed.

"I will see you and your dog at the airport at one."

"OH MY GOD YOU GUYS!" I screamed as he laughed.

"Exactly the reaction that I wanted to hear."

As he ended the call, I scratched my neck realizing that I have to call Harry. To break the worst news ever, I can't fly over until after the show. I have five or six weeks to get ready to perform.

What is happening in my life?

I ran to Cameron and began explaining about the call, how I'd be leaving and he knows this is a big deal for me. I wanted this since I've been able to walk. Passing this up would be insane, Harry couldn't expect me to pass up this.

"Call him." Cam nudged me and I nodded leaving the room.

I dialed his number, slightly hoping that I won't wake him up. I would run things over in my mind of what to say but I froze when I heard his voice.

"Hey baby girl, everything okay?"

"Yeah, how are you?" I slightly croaked.

"I'm good, wishing you were here already."

Say it now or you never will.

"Harry, I have something important to tell you."

"Okay, what is it?"

"I had Jerry Mitchell, the director of Legally Blonde the Musical that aired a few years ago, call and ask me to be Margot in the remake one that they are doing."

"Babe! This is fantastic! I'll fly over to watch you, when is it?" He said in excitement.

"I fly to New York tomorrow and rehearse until March 16th, which is show day."

"You're suppose to come here though."

"I know." I trailed off as we both stayed silent.

"Well when would you be coming?" He asked.

"The night the show is finished, I'll be on the jet straight to you."

"Why does this get complicated when I'm gone?"

"It's not complicated, it's just pushing things back."

"But I won't see you until March and that's not fair to me."

"Harry, this is a big opportunity for me." I pleaded as if I needed permission from him.

"I just begged management to let us go public and let me end that damn stunt with Nadine. This is what I get? My girlfriend flying across the states while I'm in another country." His voice began raising and I started to panic, he never does this to me.

"Harry, please stop."

"No, you know what? These people probably wouldn't have even known who you were until all these stories came up about us being together."

I stayed silent, taken back by his words. What's gotten into him? He never speaks to me this way.

"You know, you're right." I sighed, if he's going to be an ass. He's not the only one who will be.

"Savanna, that's not what I meant. I don't know why-"

"Why you said it? You're probably just taking your anger out because I'm putting my career first for once. I never ask you to leave a show for me or pass up anything because I'm supportive of you. I just wish you'd do that for me." I sighed before hanging up the phone.

I shut my phone off and walked up the stairs to my room, I threw on my tennis shoes and put my key in my zip pocket of my leggings.

"Mal, I'm going running. If Cam comes home, let him know." I said as I put my wireless headphones on while she was petting a sleepy Bear on her lap.

"Be back before dark or I'm sending out a team." I rolled my eyes at her laughing as I walked out.

I had so much running through my mind. Why was he being this way? Why was he not supporting me? Am I being selfish for doing something for myself? What am I going to do about the blog? Sabrina's replaced me with a new person in her life. Ashton is in another country with no way to contact her. Tyler and Layne are in Florida, probably leaving soon. Calling Eleanor is like asking for Harry to know I'm broken from that. Louis eavesdrops on every conversation that I have. My mom will tell me give it time. My dad will say he'll kick some British butt with my uncles.

I just need to make myself happy first so for now, all I could do now is run.

After an hour or so, I made it home. Cameron had started dinner while I went to shower before we'd talk.

I washed my body and hair, when I jumped out I wrapped my hair in a towel along with my body. When I put on my clothes, I finally turned my phone on and began packing my bag up with some clothes.

After dinner and explaining everything to Cameron and Malesha, I went to finish my bags. I was basically done by nine but I'd finish in the morning.

I finally turned my phone on to see my phone blown up by several different things.

Four hundred and seventy nine thousand twitter notifications.

Eight hundred and thirty-four Instagram notifications.

Fifty eight phone calls.

Twenty one voicemails.

Two hundred and fifty seven text messages.

This is going to be a long night.

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