Chapter Thirty Five

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After waking up at eight thirty to let Bear outside, I called into work to let them know about my job offer and they were completely supportive. Both are caught up on my relationship with Harry for purposes of me traveling to see him after my show. The only downside was my parents can't make it due to work. My sister and her husband are going to come, that's super exciting for me. I haven't seen her since Thanksgiving, so this is a big deal.

After spending my morning with Cameron and Malesha, I was completely packed up and Bear was ready to go with me. Cameron and Malesha came with me to the airport and we arrived right on time. I was led to the jet, where I'd be meeting Jerry and I immediately was welcomed by a security guard.

"I'm Jared, I'll be your security guard while you are in New York." He had such a resemblance of Chris Hemsworth, I definitely didn't mind this.

"It's nice to meet you." I smiled as he grabbed my bags to the jet.

I walked over to Cam, who was holding Bear in his arms. I rolled my eyes before hugging Malesha.

"Make the guest room to your liking. Make sure that he doesn't break too many things either." I smiled to her as she nodded.

"I'll do my best, you know that I can handle anything."

"You did handle Matt in Latin."

"I almost killed him with you." She glared making me laugh.

Cameron smiled at me as I walked to hug him,"You can't watch any of Gossip Girl until I get back."

"You can't watch Supernatural until you get back."

"That's not fair." I groaned making him laugh.

"Take care of yourself. I'll see you when you get back." He smiled almost holding back tears.

"If you cry, I'll hit you."

"FaceTime me any chance you get, red."

"Always do." I smiled taking Bear in my arms.

I got on the jet to be welcomed by Jerry Mitchell himself. He stood to shaky hand before noticing the three girls behind him. It was none other than Bailey Hanks, Asmeret Ghebremichael, and Tracy Jai Edwards. These three played in the musical before on Broadway and I was more confused as to why I was joining them.

"We're so glad to finally meet you!" Bailey smiled as we all got acquainted.

"Lets get off the ground before we begin introductions." Jerry smiled making me laugh.

The take off took about fifteen minutes to finally get stabled before the five of us got a bit more comfortable and I was handed a almost cover less book from Jerry.

"This is your script." He smiled widely.

"Anybody got a highlighter?" I laughed before Bailey handed me a pink one.

"Delta Nu!" We all squealed together before laughing.

"Do you want to run over them or the songs? Or do you prefer to read them on your own?" Jerry asked me as I began highlighting my parts.

"Is this the exact script as the original?" He nodded to me, "Then I know all of them perfectly, we can all run them." I smiled as I continued before my phone started ringing.

I swiped my finger as I continued highlighting, "Hello?"

"Babe, how are you doing this morning?" I chuckled at the raspy morning voice.

"Um, it's almost three here."

"I didn't realize how much the time was different, how are you?" He chuckled.

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