Walking Down Memory Lane (Chapter 4)

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Shane P.O.V

I slowly made my way over to where Kayce and her girls stood. I don't really know if imma ask her if they got panties on, but shit I wanna know for real tho! "H-Heyy Kayce." I said as she turned around with that sexy ass smile I love played out on her lips. "Hey Shane. Umm congrats on making starting 5. You, uh- you're a great ball player." Did she really just say that? Naww, she must be high if she just complimented me on my basketball skills. "What? I'm a great what player? I don't think I heard you clearly." I said back to her, getting a lil cocky. "Alright, I said you're a great ball player, ok?" She said rolling her eyes at my cockiness. "Ha! Thanks  baby girl." I say back to her with a smirk on my face. I just know she bouta say something smart about me calling her "baby girl". "Baby girl? What is that supposed to mean?"  She said blushing and looking down at her Jordan Bred 11s. "Calm down ma I'm just fuckin with you." I said laughing at her sudden shyness and the fact that I made her blush. "Oh. Well I gotta go. Bye chicas and bye guys. I'll be back before lunch ends." She said before she walked away. "Well that was awkward, wasn't it?" Meya asked me as we all walked to the cafeteria. "Yeah, I guess so." I said back smiling slightly. Damn, this girl really got me trippin and I don't know why. I think I just need some head and I'll be straight.


Kayce P.O.V

Did he just call me baby girl? Well duh, he did but I wonder in what way he ment it. "Ugh Kayce control yourself! You do not like this boy." I said out loud to myself. But I was on denial with what just came out my mouth. I do like Shane; I like him more than I should. I don't have time for relationships, my focus is on basketball and always will be until I get recruited. As I walked through the gym doors I saw Josiah standing with his back against the wall. "Hey Jo-Jo." I said as I walked closer to him; wrapping my arms around his waist. "Hey Love, wassup with you? I mean you done gone anti on a nigga." He said smiling down at me as his hands slid down to my hips while he softly kissed my lips. I'm not gonna lie, I really miss his kisses but not enough to get cheated on again. "No I haven't, you just be too busy fucking Angela to talk to me." I said back to him with a lil bit of attitude in my voice. "Now come on ma, it ain't even like that. You know that girl don't man shit to me but a quick nutt and that's all!" I looked up at Josiah and stared him in his eyes. I wanted to believe him, but he ALWAYS lies to me. "Josiah, I've heard this all before ok? This is the same reason why we're not together! You always focused on getting what you call "a quick nutt" instead of focusing on what's in front of you!" I said now aggravated with him. "Aight CeCe calm down, I'm sorry ok. I really am. I never ment to hurt you but all you did was push me away. I mean Kayce, we never even had sex together. But that's no excuse for what I did. Can you just please forgive me? I'm really sorry." Josiah said now looking me in my eyes. I turned my head and looked down at my shoes. He lifted my chin so that I was looking back into his eyes. "I love you Kayce,I really do.." That's another reason why we broke up. Josiah would always say he loved me and I NEVER said it back to him. That's why he says I pushed him away. "Josiah, I-I ..." I choked on my words and the tears forming I'm my eyes. I wanted to say it back but I couldn't. "It's ok you don't have to say it back. By the look on your face I can tell you feel the same way." He said now leaning down whispering in my ear. He stood back up and licked his lips and said, "Wassup with you and that nigga Shane?" He said now holding me by my waist. "What do you mean?" I said back knowing exactly what he ment. "I mean are y'all together or what cause I seen you all up in his face yesterday and shit. What the fuck was that about?" He said back a little irritated. "Jo-Jo we just friends aight. Damn, calm down! Always thinking I'm with somebody when you know I'm focusing on basketball right now." I say back with much attitude. Like who the everlasting fuck did the think he was talking to? Cause it surely ain't Kayce Veronica Lopez!

"That's what you say now till y'all start fuckin." He said under his breath. "Excuse me! What was that, cause I didn't hear you Josiah. Speak the fuck up!" I say now clearly pissed if with him. "Nun man calm down baby girl." He said trying to calm the situation. "Naww I'm out Josiah. I'll talk to you when you realize that I'm not one of your lil popcorn hoes! Cause Josiah you know I will fight your ass..again!" And with that I walked out the gym and down the hall to the cafeteria.


Still Kayce P.O.V

I knew it was gonna be some shit when I got to the lunch table. To my surprise Aiden, Derious, and Shane were seated at our table. Ok this was going to be really awkward now. "Kayce.. What's wrong? Your face is red! Who ass I gotta beat boo?" Courtney said as her New Orleans accent came out. "Yeah, who I gotta fuck up CeCe?" Meya said standing up. "Nobody Meya just don't worry about it. I'll tell y'all later aight?" I said as I sat down next to Shane who looked madder than Courtney and Meya. "Meya please sit down, people starting to look over here girl! Calm the hell down." I said now laughing cause people was pointing at Meya who was ready to beat some ass. "Naww where did you go Kayce? Did that nigga Josiah touch you?" Shane said looking me I'm my eyes. HOLD THE FUCK UP!  How did he know about me and Josiah? "Aiden and Derious.. I'm bout to fuck y'all up!" I said reaching across the table, ready to swing on both of them! "Uh uh you beta check yo girls cause we ain't tell him shit!" Derious said as Shane held me back by my waist. "Let me go Shane. I'm good." I said turning around to face him. "You sure you cool baby girl?" I blushed again. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said ass he pulled me closer to his body. I swear I felt his dick get hard! Damn you so fuckin sexy! I said to myself. "Thanks bae. I think you sexy too." He said licking his sexy pink lips. "Did I just say that shit your loud?" I said looking at Meya and Courtney. "Yup, you sure did!" Meya said laughing. I was blushing hella hard now. "You look so sexy when you blush girl."Shane said whispering in my ear. "I-uh-thanks."I said blushing harder than before. "No problem beautiful." He said as his face inched closer to mines. I really wanted him to kiss me. Just as his lips were literally 1 centimeter away from touching mine I heard someone say, "Just friends my ass Kayce!.." I turned around to see Josiah standing with his fist balled, ready to fight. IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!

What do you his think will happen in the next chapter? Are Shane and Kayce a good match? Should she get back with Josiah? Comment what you think!!

Cliff hanger!!
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:)~ thanks babes

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