Confessions-Part One (Chapter 11)

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Warning!! This chapter MAY contain sexual content!! But it ain't gonna be nothing serious..... YET ;)


Kayce P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes, to find an arm wrapped around my waist. My first instinct was to panic, so I did. "Oh my gosh! Who the fuck is this?!"I yelled kicking my legs around under the sheets. "Baby calm down, its only me."Shane said pulling me back towards him. He kissed my neck and opened his eyes. "Are you ok now? Last night you had me a lil worried ma." He said turning my body around so I was facing him. "Yeah, I'm ok. I guess it was just one of those days. Thanks for being there Shane.. I really appreciated that." I said looking up into his eyes. He smiled and kissed my nose. "You're welcome Love." All these nicknames he giving me imma have to write down cause its a lot. "So, umm Shane.. What are we?" I asked sitting up in my bed. He sat up also and looked down at the sheets for a second. "Well I'm sure you know how I feel about you cause I've made that clear from the beginning. But you've also made it clear that you wanna focus on basketball. I don't want a sport to come before me if we try being in a relationship. I wouldn't put basketball, or anything else for that matter above you; I would expect the same from you." He said. It was true tho, basketball is my life, but maybe it should just be a part in my life. "So what are you saying?" I said with my nearly above a whisper. "I'm asking.. Do you want to be my girl Kayce?" He said blushing and biting his lip before looking into my eyes. I smiled at him. "Oh my fucking gosh! Sí Papi chulo! Yes I'll be your girl Shane!" I said jumping in his lap. "Did you just call me 'pimp daddy' in Spanish?" He asked smirking at the idea of me calling him daddy. "Don't get all happy lil boy!" I said laughing. "Ain't shit lil ova here. Naww you must got me mistaken cause this MAN here gotta big di-" He started before I cut him off. "Boy hush! Ain't nobody trying to hear how big or SMALL your dick is." I said kissing his nose before I got off the bed to wash off. "Oh its an outfit for you in my closet and shoes if you want to wear it." I said gathering my wash rag and towel. "Aight baby." He said walking to my walk in closet. Ugh, I'm never gonna get used to him calling me his baby. I walked in the bathroom and closed the door. I turned on the shower and waited door the water to heat up. I stripped out of my clothes and put them in the hamper. As soon as I got comfortable under the water I felt someone behind me. I turned around and screamed. "FUCK! You scared me! Shane why are you in here?!" I yelled at him. Like literally this nigga was in the shower with me AND he was naked. "Cause, I needed to shower. Now be quiet before I do something to you in this shower." He said smirking. Oh no, I think I'm in trouble now.


Shane P.O.V

I picked Kayce up and pushed her back against the shower wall. She immediately wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my torso. I swear when I realized her naked body was actually pressed against mine I got hard as fuck. "Sh-Shane.. What are you doing?" She asked stuttering a little. I licked my lips and looked in her eyes. "I don't know.. Do you want me to stop?" I asked. Never in my life have I ever been scared to do something like this with a girl, now I feel some typa way. "N-no.. I don't know.." She said looking down. Her face looked red as if she was embarrassed. Hold up..was Kayce a virgin? Naww, she can't be, cause they way she said she already had Josiah, you would assume she not. Right? " not a virgin right?" I asked. She was still in my arms but she was looking at the tile floor beneath us. I placed my fingers under her chin so she could look at me. "Yes I am." She said looking down and embarrassed. I smiled at her. She don't need to be worried, cause I'll be honored to be her first; if she'll let me, but now ain't the right time. "Listen to me baby girl. If you not ready I'm not gonna pressure you. You have my word that I'll wait till you want to go there." I said honestly. She responded by kissing me. Her grip aground my waist tightened. "Mmm." She moaned onto my mouth. She probably felt SJ wake up down there. "Kayce wait. I have to tell you something.." I said pulling away from our kiss. "What is it baby?" She questioned. I could feel her hips rotating and grinding against my dick. I don't know if that was the water or her but SJ is soaked right now! I looked in her eyes and took a deep breath. "Kayce, I love you." I said. "What?" She said smiling hard as fuck. "I love you. I know I've only known you for a short time but-" I started before she cut me off. "I love you too Shane." She said before kissing me. Her lips made their way to my neck and back to my lips. "Ugh! Baby.." She says panting. I looked at her and saw that here eyes were closed. "Damn I want you baby girl.." I said. I ain't gone lie, I've never said that to no girl in my life. Not even the girl I lost my virginity to. Shit, to be honest I never really had to cause all the the good girls, hoes, bussa hoes, even lesbians already wanted me anyways. I had that GOOD DICK BRUH! She tossed her head back in ecstasy. "I want you too. FUCK!" She screamed as she grinded her body harder against mine. "YES! DAMN, SHANE I... LOVE YOU!" She screamed at the top of her lunges. And with that she came. For a reason unknown to me I felt proud of myself. Not only would I be her first, but I also made her reach her first climax. MY NIGGA! "How do you feel Love?" I asked while she shook repeatedly in my arms. "I f-feel a-amazing baby." She said panting, trying to catch her breath. "Was that the first time you've know.."I said smirking a bit. "Yes and it was... Earth shattering!" She said with her eyes filled with excitement. "Kayce! Where you at?!" Someone yelled from downstairs. "Oh shit! That's Meya; we gotta get out.. Now!" She said hopping out my arms and running to her room. "Here, go get changed and meet me downstairs baby." She said before kissing me and closing her room door. This girl is gonna be the death of me.


Kayce P.O.V

WOW! He said he love me! And on top of that I had my first orgasm! Oh shit, turn the fuck up for Kayce! I swear this boy is gonna be the death of me, but I'll love every minuet of it.


~I need ideas for the next chapter, so inbox me or comment! Taking all suggestions available to me lol!!

~Anyways, how was the sex scene?? Dry as hell right?? It'll be better next time tho edsu I didn't know what to write so yeah...




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