Meeting The In-Laws Part One (Chapter 17)

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Sorry for the long wait, I needed some ideas and stuff, but here is a filler chapter  . Its lame, but its something. Hope you guys enjoy!! That's for the support!! :)


Shane P.O.V

It was about 6:30 when Kayce decided to take another shower before we got ready for school. I took the sheets off the bed from last night and smiled as I replayed the events that took place. As I put the bottom sheet on the mattress Kayce got a text from her mom. It said we didn't have school today cause of the bad weather. I went to pick up the comforter when I noticed something gold under my night stand. I picked it up and it was a condom. I put it back in the drawer and shrugged it off. I finished the bed and Kayce came from the bathroom in a sun dress even though it rainy outside. Her hair was down in wet curls and her face was clear of all make up. She smiled at me sat on the bed. "How you feeling baby?" I asked and laid back on the mattress. "I'm really sore and it hurts when I walk. But I'm not the one for complaining, so I'll just rest for a while till I can feel my legs again." She said laughing a lil. "Yeah, I noticed I fucked up that walk of yours!" I said walking out the room before she threw a pillow at me. "Shut up!" She said laughing. When I got downstairs I kept thinking about that condom I found. I could have sworn me and Kayce did like five rounds last night. Then I felt my heart drop. I grabbed onto the counter to steady myself from falling. "I done fucked up!" I whispered to myself. How could I have been so dumb? We had sex in the shower and I ain't even think about pulling out or using a rubber. "Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I said banging my head on the fridge. I walked back up stairs and heard Kayce in the bathroom. I walked in and she was throwing up. Fuck! If Kayce is pregnant I'll be happy because I really love her, but I can't have her pregnant and she don't even know Angela is too. Granted I don't know if Angela baby is mine, but I do know I went raw with her on many occasions. "Kayce, you ok baby?" I asked as I held her hair. "Yeah, I just ate that nasty ass jelly in your mini fridge." She said laughing. Thank goodness, I thought she had morning sickness already! I guess I should stop panicking now. "That's what you get for being greedy." She finished and flushed the toilet. She got the toothbrush I have her this morning and brushed her teeth. "Oh, baby your mom said the school called and said we doing have to go cause if the weather." I said remembering the text from earlier. "Ok." She said. I looked at the clock and was 7:30 and I was bored as hell. She walked back in the room and laied by me. "We should go to the beach later so I can film some of my music video." She said. I spook my head in agreement, as she traced the tattoo on my chest. "What tribe was she from?" She asked after a few minuets of silence. "Cherokee." I said. She continued to trace my ink with her finger before laying her head on my chest. "What was she like?" She questioned. I took a deep breath and began to speak. "She was really chill, always giving the best advice. She loved all of us like her own and she made sure we knew that. My mom was always there even though she was over seas, and when she died I felt like I only had one person left and that was August. I loved her so much and I couldn't even tell her that." I said shaking my head. My mom had died in Iraq two years ago.  She was shot down in the line of duty. I was devastated at first, but then I realized that she was fighting for our country, so it made me feel a lil bit better. "I'm sorry.." She said. "Naww, you good. I'm over it now, I know I couldn't prevent it so I'm fine." I said kissing her forehead. She got up and grabbed my hand a as she walked toward the stairs. We walked downstairs and went in the kitchen. "Make me food." She said sitting on the island. "What you talking about make you food? I made you food last night baby." I said. Technically it was fruit, but its still considered as food to me. "Nigga I ate ONE damn PIECE if mango. That was not food. And if you wanna be technical, it was like 9:30 when I ate that.. Its almost eight o'clock now!" She said crossing her arms over her chest. "Ugh, what you wanna eat?" I said rolling my eyes. I saw her face light up and that made me smile. "Just some eggs and sausage with apple juice." I looked in the fridge and saw that I only had orange juice. "Babe, I only got orange juice. You want that?" I asked getting the eggs and sausage out. "No, it makes my stomach hurt. Do you have any bottle water?" She said jumping off the counter. "Yeah." I said. She walked to the stereo and turned it on. XO by Beyonce was playing and I heard her humming. She should really consider being a singer in the future. I finished making our breakfast and we sat down and ate. "So, what are our plans for today?" I asked sipping on orange juice. "Umm.. We could look in your closet for your outfit you'll wear at dinner tonight." She suggested. "Sounds good. Are you going home to get ready and I'll meet you there, or we could go after I find out what imma wear." I said. She thought for a moment. "Yeah, I like the second idea. We'll go after you find something." We finished eating and went back upstairs. I took if my gym shorts and walked inside my closet. I walked to the middle area that was labeled 'Dress Casual'. I picked out a pair of khaki skinny leg pants, a white aeropostle button up collar shirt and white Converse. I decided against wearing a hat. I walked out the closet and put the outfit on the bed. "You like this?" I asked Kayce, who was taking pictures on my phone. She looked cute making a thug face tho. She stood up and observed the attire. "I like. Good choice; not too dressy and not too plain. Just right, and I have a dress similar to that theme. We can defiantly match baby!" She said kissing my on the cheek. Ugh, all this for a dinner night. I put the clothes in my regular sized closet and put my shorts back on since I ain't have to try nothing on. "Did you know Aiden and Meya are together?" Kayce asked. Aiden and Meya, no way that girl is a straight thug! "No way, she can't be with Aiden. Derious I would understand but Aiden.. No." I said shaking my had. Kayce glared at me. "What is that supposed to mean, huh?" She questioned. Oh boy, what did I do now? "Nothing, just that Aiden seems real nice and calm while Meya is always ready to turn up. Derious is the same way so I just figured they would be the one to go out." I said. "Naww, you think Aiden calm and shit. He almost fought Josiah last year over a parking spot at the movies, that was the most funny shit I've ever seen." She said laughing. I shook my head and laughed to. I never would have thought Aiden was a thug nigga, not that I thought he was soft, but atleast not the type to fight over a damn parking space. That there is some Chris Brown and Frank Ocean shit right there. When the laughter died down I got a text from Angela. I got up and walked to the bathroom to read it.

Angela baby: just came from the doctors and I'm about 4 weeks and the test results for the conception date said the baby is yours.

Me: wow, when are you getting the operation? Do you want me to go with you?

Angela baby: I'm getting it done in about two weeks. And no, Josiah said he will come. Thanks anyways tho, tell Kayce that I'm truly sorry for everything. Ooh and did you tell her about me being pregnant?

Me: no not yet but I will soon. I'll hit you up soon tho. Peace ma.

With that I walked out the bathroom and found Kayce in the fridge eating yogurt and pickles. Ok, maybe she is pregnant. "Why you eating that shit?" I said walking in my room. "Because its good. My momma used eat pickles with everything and I started to do it when I was about six years old." She said dipping another pickle in the strawberry yogurt. "Please make sure your brush yo teeth before you kiss me again." I said. She looked at me and flicked me off. "Ain't nobody wanna kiss you anyways, skinny nigga small balls!" Stye says sticking her tongue out at me. I stale faced her and pouted at the same time. "Meanie!" I said crossing my arms and putting on a hurt look. "Awww, you so cute when you mad. Just makes me wanna kiss all over you!" She squealed, talking to me like I was a baby. I laughed. "Fuck outta here with that!" I said laughing harder. For the rest of day we spent it playing around, talking and sleeping. When it was about 5:30 in the afternoon Kayce decided to finally go get ready and change. I figure we could stay over till dinner started so I could get to know her parents. I took a quick shower and put my clothes on. I grabbed my small tub if wave gel and my wave brush to make my hair uncurly and back to the sexy waves I always had. I looked at myself one last time before waking downstairs. Kayce was waiting, so we locked up and headed towards her house. I hope this dinner night goes well..


Kayce P.O.V.

When we finally got closer to my house I started squirming in my seat. "Baby, what's wrong?" Shane asked as we pulled up to the house. "Just excited to see then. Come on baby." I said getting out the car. I walked in the house and heard pots rambling in the kitchen, so that's where I walked. It was my momma. "Mommy, I missed you so much!" I screamed as I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed tightly. I swear I missed them being home. "Well hello to you to Kayce." A deep voice said from behind me. "Daddy! Ugh, I missed you guys so much!" I said almost in tears. After a few minuets of hugging I introduced then to Shane. "Mama, daddy, this its my boyfriend Shane. Dianne, these ate my parents." I said smiling. "Its nice to finally meet you, Kayce has been taking about you guys coming back for awhile." He said shaking their hands. "Its always a pleasure. Young man you play basketball very well. How tall are you?" My mom questioned as my dad observed him. "I'm 6'4, but I'm still frowning I guess." He said smiling. This is going better than I expected! This should be interesting watching him meet his new ' in-laws'!


This was just a filler, I'll update again Friday or Saturday!!




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