The Night Before Christmas (Chapter 31)

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Shane P.O.V

It was finally Christmas Eve and Kayce and the girls were making the cookies for Santa. Victoria was helping too.

"Good job babe!" She said giving her lil sister a high five.

"Tank you Kayce!" She said smiling brightly.

Kayce smiled and said no problem.

"You need any help baby?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Umm, yeah. Can you help her put the frosting and sprinkles on the rest of those?" She asked.

I kissed her neck. "No problem babe."

She turned around and kissed my lips and I held her tighter against my body.

"Y'all nasty sissy!" Victoria giggled.

"I'm sorry boo, we'll stop." She said pulling her lips away from mine.

"For right now cause you know imma be all up in this tonight." I whispered in her ear then kiss her sweet spot.

"Baby my sister in here, stop!" She said blushing.

"Ugh ok! I love you though." I said looking down at her.

"I love you too pumpkin." She said standing on her tippy toes to kiss my lips.

"Uncle Shane come on, Santa gonna be here in a lil while, and if I'm still wake I won't get no gifts!" Victoria said hopping off her stool and pulling me to the cookies.

"Calm down lil mama, Santa ain't going no where and if he do imma eat all his cookies." I said laughing.

"Uncle Shane you can't eat his cookies, then you gone be a fatty!" She said laughing at me.

I laughed with her then helped put the stuff on the cookies.

I watched as she did some herself and wondered what it'd be like if me and Kayce hadn't loss the baby.

Victoria was a replica of Kayce in so many ways. Her smile, hair, laugh, dimples, attitude, and most definitely her heart. She's like the daughter I never had but wish to get in the future.

"Look auntie Yaya I did the cookies!" She said pointing at the cookies on the tray.

"Good job baby girl, they look beautiful!". Meya said picking her up and kissing her cheek.

I smiled and walked out the kitchen. I swear this is the best Christmas ever.


Kayce P.O.V

I was so excited for no reason. Well, it was most likely because I was spending it with all the people I loved.

"Aight, lil mama its time for you to go to sleep before Santa comes." I said picking my sister up off the couch and carrying her upstairs.

"But sissy I'm not tired." She yawned.

I laughed. "Yes you are, but I'll wake you up right after Santa leaves ok?" I said tucking her under three sheets and blankets.

"Ok, but don't forget!" She said before closing her eyes.

I kissed her forehead and said I loved her then got up from her bed.

"I wonder what it'd be like of we had a child too." Shane said from behind me.

"Me too.. I'm sorry." I whispered.

He hugged me close to him.

"What you sorry for baby, ain't shit to be sorry bout." He said.

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