All Eyes On Me (Chapter 21)

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Kayce P.O.V

It has been three days since I've talked or seen Shane, or anyone. He keeps calling, but I just ignore then or turn my phone completely off. He came by yesterday 5 times and my mom told him I wasn't home. I told my parents about the situation, and surprisingly my dad wasn't the one to flip out. It was my mom, until my dad said they went through the same thing when they were in high school. How fucking ironic! Today is the day I'm supposed to go to the clinic to get this thing over with. Meya and Courtney said they'd come with me and I only had one hour to get ready. I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at my reflection. I looked horrible. My hair was a mess, my nose was red from crying, and I had bags under my eyes. I haven't eaten since that day, and I have a game tonight. Meya said we have another assistant coach, and he looks very familiar to her. I wonder who it was.  I turned on the shower water and stepped in. "I miss him.." I whispered to myself as the water cascaded over my body. I looked at the necklace that Shane and given me of a broken heart. He had the other piece, and on the back it said 'Forever and Always'. I slid my back down the shower wall and let the water wash over me. I've been crying for three days, when is this pain gonna end? Tears slipped from my eyes and I cried for the tenth time this morning, and its only 9:30. I got up from the shower floor and walked my body then got out. I strutted off, lotioned and walked to my closet. It was warm out so I decided to wear black cargo short shorts, a black and camouflage high-low shirt, and a pair of black sandals. I put my hair in a ponytail and put Vaseline on my lips. I touched my flat stomach and bit my lip. Was I making the tight decision? "Kayce, we here!" Meya yelled from downstairs. "Coming!!" I screamed. I grabbed my phone and walked out my room. "Hey boo. How you feeling?" Courtney said hugging me. "I'm fine." I said nonchalantly. "Well.. Ok, we can leave now." Meya said. We all piled into her truck and drove to 'L.A. Clinic and OBGYN'. It till up about and hour and a half to get there.

*30 minuets later in the waiting room.*

Kayce P.O.V

My leg was shaking nonstop as I waited for the doctor to call my name. "Kayce, stop shaking. You making me nervous, girl." Meya said putting her hand on my leg. "Sorry." I mumbled. "Kayce Lopez." A nurse in blue scrubs said. "That's me." I said standing up. "Ok sweetie, follow me please." She said from the door across the room. "Can I bring my sisters?" I asked nervously. "You may bring one." She said smiling. "Meya, you can go.. I think I'm bout to be sick." Courtney said getting up and running to the bathroom. Meya stood up and grabbed my hand. Once we got in a room a doctor walked in. "Ok, I'm your doctor for today. My name is Dr. Davis, which one of you ladies are Kayce Lopez?" She questioned. I raised my hand.  "Okk, I'm gong to ask you a few questions and then we can start on the operation." She said. I shook my head and she began to ask me questions off a clip board. "Have you ever been sexually assaulted? If yes, at what age." "Yes, I was 14 years old." I said trying to forget about that day. "Do you smoke any drugs or drink alcohol?" "I used to smoke weed, but I stopped on March 28 if this year." I said. She shook her head. "Ok, if you could please remove your clothes I'll be back in ten minuets and we can start." She said smiling at me and giving me a gown. "Excuse me, will I be able to play basketball tonight?" I asked. She thought for a moment. "Actually yes, but if you feel any pain you should sit out for a while." She said. "Thanks." I said giving her a small smile. "Meya, I'm scared." I said. "Me too.." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek. She turned around so I could remove my clothes and minuets later Dr. Davis walked back in the room. "Please lay on the table and put you're feet on these stands." She said. I did as was told and Meya grabbed my hand. Tears began to blur my vision. "Ok, you are going to feel a pinch and then this will be all over." She said in a reassuring voice. "Ok.." I whispered. I heard her pick up something and soon felt a cold metal object on my inner thigh. I cried harder by the as I felt it move closer to my opening. "I'm sorry.." I whispered to my baby. I don't know what came over me, but I closed my legs and hopped down from the bed thing. "Ms. Lopez, is there a problem?" Dr. Davis asked with a confused look on her face. "I can't do this.. I wanna keep my baby. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." I said looking in her eyes. She smiled. "I understand. You're making the right decision Kayce. I'm proud of you." She said hugging me. "Thank you." I mumbled. Meya smiled and wiped her tears away. "She's right, you're making the right decision." She said hugging me tight. "I know. Let me get dressed and I'll meet you out in the waiting room." I said smiling for the first times in two days. "Aight boo." She said walking out the door. I'm so glad I came to my senses. I know Shane and I might not be together tight now, but killing an innocent child isn't going to help our situation either. I walked out the room filled out some paper work and we made our way to school to catch the middle of lunch and free period. I haven't been to school in two days, so I know people gonna start talking when they see me, but I got three words to say. FUCK DAT BITCH! After driving for twenty minuets we finally got to school. "Imma just tell you now, Shane has looked.. Rough these past two days. He look like he only brush his teeth, wash, and cry when her gets home. This nigga ain't eat in like three days and everytime they call your name on the roll in class he gets all depressed. Maybe y'all should talk." Courtney said was we walked in the school to the front office. We handed them our doctors notes and walked to lunch. "I'll talk to him when I'm ready. Its only been a few days, and I don't plan on forgiving him anytime soon." I said. As soon as I stepped in the cafeteria it was like all eyes were on me. I put my head down and suddenly felt arms hug me in a tight embrace. It was Aiden and Derious. "Damn girl where you been?! You done gone ghost on a nigga! We missed you." Derious said kissing me forehead. "I missed you guys too. I just had to clear my head. Did I miss any drama though?" I asked as the walked me to a table. "Well.. After you left on Wednesday, Shane and Josiah got into a fight. Shane kinda uh, killed him." Aiden said trying to hold in a laugh. "What you mean?" I asked scared as fuck. "Chill, I'm just playing. Shane did whoop his ass though" Aiden said laughing. I shook my head and looked down at the table. I felt someone burning a hole in the back of my head. I slowly turned around and saw the person. It was him... "Kevin?" I whispered to myself. He winked at me and blew a kiss. "What?" Meya said turning around to look at him. "He fine right? He's our new assistant coach." She said smiling brightly. Tears burned in my eyes remembering what he did to me. "That's him... Kevin." I said as a tear did down my cheek. "You mean Kevin KEVIN?" Courtney said sittng besides me. I shook my head yes. I got up and ran out the cafeteria and to the bathroom in the main hallway. I rushed in and closed the door behind me. I thought for a minuet and finally calmed down. What was he doing here? I walked out the bathroom and saw Shane standing against a wall with his phone to his ear. then my phone started ringing. His eyes shot in my direction and I ran down the hall. I heard his footsteps behind, but I was already in the cafeteria entrance. "Baby, hold up. Let me explain." He said. His voice was cracking and he looked like he was crying. "EXPLAIN WHAT?!" I yelled. Once again all eyes were on me. "I'm sorry I lied, but I didn't want loose you. I love you more than anything  in the world, but she told me once we were already together I swear!" He said. A angle tear rolled down from his eyes. "I just need time and space. And your excuse is still not enough, she sucked you up on our first date and the day we fought! That's fucking nasty and you expect for me to just forgive you?! Naww, fuck outta here with that shit." I said rolling my eyes. He looked Diann and more tears spilled from his eyes. "Ok.. I'll give you space." He said kissing my cheek and walking away. I turned around to walk to my table and EVERYBODY was looking at me. "STOP FUCKING LOOKING AT ME AND EAT YOUR FUCKING FOOD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and they finally stopped staring at me. Ugh, I just need to play ball and I'll be fine.


Kevin P.O.V

She noticed me. If you wondering who I am, I'm the one who raped Kayce when she was 14. Even though it only lasted for about fifteen minutes she was tight and I wanted more. I'll get her when she least expects it. I'll tell y'all who I killed her punk bitch brother later, but now is time for me to put my plan in action. Let the games begin..





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