The Times We Shared (Chapter 15)

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Kayce P.O.V

It was about 2:35 and classes  were changing into our free period. By this time, me and my crew have already had lunch and were getting ready for this speech thing for the sophomores. We walked into a class in the science wing where Dr. Laylah taught. "Ok, class time to settle down. We have some junior visitors here to talk to you guys." He said to the numerous students. We decided that I should tell them about my story and the day my brother died. "Aye yo shawty in yellow, you wanna show me what that mouth do?" A boy named Jerrod said smirking. I mean he was cute, but I gotta man and plus, he to young anyways. Anyways, that's besides the point; Imma show him what this mouth do when I  curse his lil ass out. "Aye, calm down with that yo. That's my girl son, so chill with that for real tho." Shane said through his teeth. "Didn't you use to run round with Zane and his boys?" I asked Jerrod. Zane was like a cousin to me, my brother was in his gang; Young Gunnas. "Yea, still do to and always will. Young Gunnas for life ma." He said holding up his set. I shook my head at him because of his loyalty to his gang. He's been a YG for about 2 years now even after his sister got shot. "Aight, so it's story time. Imma tell y'all somethings only my girls know and I hope it affects you after you hear it." I said. I took a deep breath before I began speaking. All my secrets were about to be revealed, but if that's what it takes to change someones life then I'm down.

*Flashback to March 25, 2013*

It was mid afternoon when me, Ramello, Meya, Courtney, Aiden, Derious, and the rest of the gang was chilling together. It was kinda dark cause a storm was supposed to be coming tonight. We was all standing around Zane, my cousin car. "Yo, gimme back my blunt!" I yelled to my brother. "Man here, ain't nobody want that cheap Kush anyways!" Ramello yelled back while laughing. "Cali skunk ain't nowhere near being cheap." I said inhaling the smoke into my lungs. I tilted my head back and exhale it in an 'O' form. "Yo imma run in the store, cause a nigga got the munchies man." Ramello said. If you haven't caught on yet we all were in Zane's gang. We all were like family to each other. We ride together, we die together. Young Gunnas for life. "Mel, get me some hot fries please!" I yelled as he walked towards the door of the store. "Aight man damn." I heard his say before walking in. The sky began to turn dark gray and my left eye started to jump uncontrollably. "Yo, something don't feel right." I said to Meya and Courtney who were taking pictures with their guns. "What you mean?" They asked in unison. The rain began to pour down and the thunder clapped throughout the street. Children and others ran into their homes as we stayed out in the rain. "I don't know, just make sure y'all clip is full." I said. My heart was skipping beats and I reached out to grab my gun. I checked to make sure I had all 46 bullets in my gun. "Zane and y'all, keep y'all gun ready aight. I think some shit bout to go down for real.." I said. He shook his head and ordered the rest of the gang to be ready if anything happened. As if on cue, a black van screeched to a stop in the middle of the street. It was almost twenty niggas with ski masks on and they shot at us. We shot back and five went down. My heart pounded as I looked at the corner store door open open. Ramello. He whipped his gun out from his waist and fired the gun. I continued to fire, being cautious to bullets that were also coming my way. "RAMELLO!" I screamed as a bullet ripped through his shoulder. "Meya, cover me!" I yelled. "Aight.. Go!" She yelled back. I took that chance and ran over to Mel. We stood back to back and shot numerous bullets at our attackers. " FUCK,I'M OUT!" I screamed. To say in the least words, I was scared. "Kayce when I tell you to run, go. And don't look back." Ramello said continuing to shoot. "Fuck that, I'm not leaving you! We ride together, we gonna die together!" I said almost in tears. "I'm not bout to argue with you! RUN!" He said. "I love you.." We said in unison. I began running back to Meya and Courtney. It was four of them left and all of us. That's when it happened. Everything seemed as of it was moving in slow motion. Six shots were fired at Ramello. One in connected his leg. He still stood shooting back. The other five shots divided in his stomach, arm, thigh, and two in his chest. "RAMELLO!" I screamed. Zane, Meya and Courtney shot at the last four standing but they got in the van and drove off. Before the van took off one of them stared at me. His eyes were filled with sorrow, guilt, anger and hate. He looked familiar; painfully familiar. Then the van sped away. I ran over to my brother and held him in my arms. "Call 911! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" I yelled. Tears now flooded my view. "Kay-ce.. D-don't stop p-playing ball. Make me p-proud of y-you sis. I love you no matter what.." His eyes slowly closed and I knew he was dead. "NO, RAMELLO DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE, I NEED YOU MEL! PLEASE, DON'T DIE; I NEED YOU!" I screamed as the rain cascaded over us. His blood still draining from his body stained my clothes. Tears and blood also stained my face as I cried into his chest and rocked back and forth. "I'm sorry.." I said through my cracked voice. "Miss we need to get him to a hospital, now!" A paramedic said, prying me away from my brother. I looked over through my tears to see Meya and Courtney bawling their eyes out. "WHY GOD? WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM FROM US! RAMELLO I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!" Meya screamed at the top of her lungs, while she held a distraught Courtney. "Girls, we need to get to the hospital!" Zane yelled. My mind was telling me to move, but my feet wouldn't allow me to. Aiden and Derious ran over to me and picked me up and ran to the car. My mind was blank as we drove to the emergency room. As soon as we got there I ran to the front desk. "What room is Ramello Lopez in?!" I yelled panicking. I already knew he was gone, but I didn't want to believe it. "I'm looking for the family of.. Ramello Lopez." A doctor said. "We're here!" Zane yelled wiping his tears. This is the first time I've seen him and Meya cry ever. "I'm sorry, but he passed. There was too much blood loss-." He started. "NO! HE CAN'T BE GONE!" I cried. I threw my fist in a wall repeatedly, leaving numerous holes. "FUCK!" I yelled and walked out the hospital. When I got home I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I finished and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Blood was all over me, but it wasn't just any blood. It was blood from my brother's body. I opened to cabinet and took out a razor. I continued to cry, replaying the events in my head. I slid the razor across my wrist a few times watching my blood spill from by wrist. I let my back slide down the wall. The thunder clapped and lightning ripped through the sky as I cried continually. "God, please give him back. Please!" I screamed between sobs. "Kayce! Oh my gosh!" Meya yelled when she found my on the bathroom floor bleeding out. She turned on the tub and put my wrist under the warm water. She helped me up and wrapped up my arm. Courtney came in shortly after and we cried in each others arms. I truly felt dead to the world without him here. "I miss you and I'm sorry.." I whispered before I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

*Back to reality in free period*

"So you see, I'll never forget that day. When my brother died so did a piece of me and I could never get that back." I said. I felt something wet and warm side down my cheeks. I began to cry a little bit through my story. Courtney grabbed my hand and squeezed to let me know it was ok. I now noticed August in the back of the class with tears in his eyes, and Shane standing next to me wiping my tears. "Take yo time." Meya whispered. I took a deep breath and continued to speak. "Nobody would ever expect for me to be in a gang, let alone know how to shoot a gun, but I do. But when that day came and my brother died in my arms I realized that I didn't want my life to be like that. We took it upon ourselves and asked to get out of the gang. Being that we just lost someone as close as Mel, Zane didn't hesitate to say we could leave. Overall, what I'm trying to say is everyday could be your last when you running around in the streets and in a gang." I said. "Yeah, so you might wanna start deciding what you really want: life or death?" Meya said. The class was silent except for the few girls crying softly from my story. They knew him cause he was always joking around with the lower classes in school, as do I. Ramello got along with everyone and never started trouble, but I still wanted to know why and who would want to kill my brother. "Thank you Kayce. Tomorrow we will talk about this, but for now pack your things because the bell will ring soon." Dr. Laylah said in a sad voice. He and my parents were close being that he used to be a doctor in the military. The students moved slowly while packing their things up.They made small talk about my story and the fact that August Alsina was in their class. August made his way over to us and hugged me. "You did great, Love." He said sadly in my ear. I gave him a weak smile and said thanks. "Good afternoon students and teachers. Today varsity girls basketball practice is canceled due to the storm tonight. Again varsity girls basketball practice is canceled. Have a wonderful afternoon falcons!" The administrator said over the intercom. When we finally got dismissed I got in Meya's car and she dropped me and Shane off at his house. Ever since that day I never stay by myself during a storm. "Baby girl, do you wanna talk?" Shane asked as I cried silently walking in his house. "No, I just wanna go to sleep.." I whispered as I set my bag down. I went up to his room and went in his bed. All I could think about was the times me and Ramello shared. I cried myself to sleep with him on my mind. The times we shared..


Shane P.O.V

When Kayce and I got to my house she almost immediately went upstairs to my room. I peeked my head in the room and heard her crying to herself. The pain she feels I feel too, because I lost my brother too. It just makes it much harder to tell her about me and Angela. Today had been very long and eventful, but interesting. I think imma do something romantic for her tonight since she ain't really happy right now... I swear I love the times we share.


~ How was the flashback part?

~ Should Kayce loose her virginity in the next chapter?

~ How should Kayce find out about Shane and Angela?

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