Am I Falling In Love? (Chapter 7)

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Shane P.O.V

" Where the hell are my swim trunks man?" I say out loud to myself. I just found them shit now they missing again! "Aye yo Derious, you seen my swimming trunks?" I yell from the bathroom. I just got out the shower did my hygiene stuff to get ready for my date with Kayce. I coulda sworn I put my shit on the shelf in the bathroom. "Yeah you left it I in the bathroom nigga!" Derious yell back from downstairs. "Which one?" I say back to him, now irritated with myself. "The one down the hall from where you at now." He said back. We have 5 bathrooms in my house and 8 bedrooms so I get a lil confused sometimes. "Good lookin out nigga." I say back to him as I walked down the hall to get my clothes. After I was done with the whole nine yards, I decide to text Kayce to tell her I was picking her up in 30 minuets.

All-American Pro Baller: Hey love, I'm picking you up in about 30 minuets so try to be ready when I get there baby mama!

I sent her the text and a few seconds later she replied.

X_Mindless Bitch: Okk that's cool.. Umm I should be ready by then and Shane I'm not yo baby mama!

She replied back I laughed at her text and said:

All-American Pro Baller~ Not yet but soon baby girl, soon.

I'm pretty sure that freaked her out but I'm serious. Kayce is going to going my babies one day, but after I make her my girl and after we finish college.

X_Mindless Bitch~EDSU tho. Smh.. whatever.

I decided not to text back. I looked in full length mirror in my room and started at my wardrobe. I was dressed in white swim trunks, all white T-Raww shoes and my white Last King snapback hat. I smirked cause I just know Kayce gonna get all excited and shit when I take off my shirt. I have one tattoo so far and its a tribal tattoo. My mom was Native American and black, so I got her tribe tatted on me. "Yo Shane when you leaving?" Aiden said snapping me out my thoughts. "Umm in about 20 more minuets. Why?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. "Nun we just gonna stay here till you get back so you can tell us bout how it went." He says back to me. "Aight bruh, just don't fuck up my moms crib." I say sternly to him. "Iight bruh we got you." He says back with me. I hope this date with Kayce is perfect. For some odd reason I feel like I'm falling for her, and I'm loving the feeling to be honest. But is this love I'm feeling? I hope so..


Kayce P.O.V

This can't be fucking happening man! I have my bathing suit but my hair looks like who the fuck shot John and took a shit on him! I decided to call Meya on a code red. "OMG MEYA COME QUICK.. ITS A CODE RED!!!! My hair is having a melt down and I only have.. 15 more minuets!" I said to her over the phone. "Damn, ok I'll be there in 4 minuets!" She yells back to me. I plugged up the curling iron and a few second later Meya came ruining through my room door. "Kayce what happened to your head girl?!" She said attempting to run her fingers through my hair. "I don't know.. Maybe I should just cancel the date." I said putting my head down. "No the fuck you not. Go get under the sink and run the water." I walked to the shower and took the shower head off the hook then turned on the water. "Ok put your head down." Meya said standing behind me. She got the shampoo and conditioner and washed my hair. After about five minuets of curling my hair she was done. "Omg thank you soooo much Meya! Ugh, I love you chica!" I said standing up to give her a hug. "No problem girl you know I got you. And I love you too." She said hugging me back. "Here you go." I said handing her a $100 bill. "No girl, I did this for you cause I can see how much you like Shane. No charge CeCe." She said pushing my hand away. "Are you sure?" I questioned her. "Yeah. I'll come over later so you can tell me what happened." She said. "Ok bye Meya!" I yelled as she walked out the front door. I looked at the clock on my wall; I had 5 minuets to get dressed. I quickly undressed and put on my white bathing suit. My swim top had white beads on it with one pink and gold bead in the middle hanging down. I pinned my curls to the side and slipped on  a pair on white and gold sandals. Then I put on a pair of white shorts and a white tank top. As if on cue Shane texted me.

All-American Pro Baller ~ Baby girl I'm outside your house.

I quickly ran down the stairs and out the front door. I locked it behind me and opened the door to his Jeep. "Hey beautiful."He said turning to smile at me. I looked out the window hiding my blush. "Hey Shane.." I said still avoiding eye contact with him. "Mmmhmmm I see you blushing ova there girl. You ain't slick girl, you ain't slick!" He says laughing at me. "Whatever man, lets go." I said. He pulled out of my driveway and towards the beach, but we had a while to go. "Umm Kayce.." He said with his voice barley above a whisper. "Yes?" I said turning to look at him. "I really like you..and this ain't about just wanting to fuck either.. I really can see myself with you in the long run. You mean a lot to me already and I hardly know you." He said sighing. I felt tears spring in my eyes. "I just wanted you to know that Kayce." He says after a few second of silence. "I uh- I like you too Shane. You're really different from the dudes I usually like though. But I mean that in a good way. I see myself with you in the long run too baby." I could tell he was blushing when I called him baby but I didn't say nothing about it. When he stopped at the light I put my finger under his chin to turn his head towards me. I leaned in and kissed him with all the passion my body was giving me. I stopped once I heard cars beeping their horns at us. "S-Sorry.." I said blushing hella hard. "Naww trust good ma." He says kissing me one last time. I swear I think I'm falling for this boy. I just hope I'm not making a mistake by doing this. Well here goes nothing; I guess he's worth the try. Ugh! I can't believe Courtney and Meya were right.. I'm falling in love with the nee boy and I ain't even know it!




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