Holiday Season: Decorating (Chapter 29)

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Aiden P.O.V

I sat on my bed looking at this picture of me and Kayce at our 8th grade dance.

Ion even know why I'm thinking about my BESTFRIEND like that, but I can't help it.

I swear I been holding these feelings I have for her for a long ass time. This ain't the right time to be telling her this shit, but its now or never.

"Aiden, come on! We gotta go to Kayce house to put the tree up!" Courtney yelled from downstairs.

"Aight, give me a minuet tho.." I said back.

I grabbed my duffel bag and my hoodie then walked downstairs and out the door.

I got in my truck and pulled out the drive way and around the corner to Kayce's house.

After I pulled up to the house I got out my truck and walked to her front door.

"Its open!" Kayce screamed.

I walked in and sat my bags down in the floor and walked to then living room.

"Wassup niggas?" I said dappin up Aug, Shane, and Derious.

"Aye, y'all ain't gonna sit around and not do shit, I invited y'all over here to work; not to have fun!" Kayce said walking in the living room with a sports bra and black sweat pants on with her hand on her hip.

'Damn' was all I could think!

I licked my lips and smiled.

"Wassup ma?" I said walking over to her and pulling her into a hug.

"Hey boo!" She said kissing my cheek and hugging me tightly.

"You missed me?" I whispered in her ear.

"Yea.." She whispered back and laughed a lil.

"That's good, but we need to talk later." I said before laying an open juicy kiss on her neck.

She let out a small moan then pulled away. I smiled down at her and she smiled back and blushed.

She must have liked that shit.

She walked away and my eyes were glued to her ass.

Damn, who knew I was gonna develope these feelings for Kayce again? Shit is crazy, I just hope this don't effect our friendship.


Kayce P.O.V

I walked away from Aiden and back onto the patio to hang decorations.

I wonder what he wants to talk to me about. Shit, I wanna know what that kiss was about! I mean I didn't mind it, but I just hope there isn't anything behind it, caused I've had enough drama the past few weeks to last a fuckin life time.

Just when I was about to hang the lights on the door seal, I felt hands wrap around my waist.

"You need help baby?" The voice asked.

It was Shane.

"No, but you can hang those mistletoe around." I said turning around in his embrace.

"Aight babe." He said kissing my cheek then grabbing the basket filled with mistletoe.

It didn't take long for me to finish the lights and for Shane to finish hanging around the "free kiss" ornaments.

"Ight, now that this shit is done we can start on the tree." I said rubbing my hands together.

"Man, Kayce we need a break! I'm tired." Meya said as she plopped down on the sofa.

"Nigga all you did was unravel the lights for the tree." Derious said laughing.

"I know, and that took a lot of work!" She said pouting.

I shook my head at her and laughed.

"Ok, we can take a ten minuet break. Just don't beak shit, cause if you do that's yo ass." I said seriously.

They laughed and that caused me to laugh too.

"Aye, CeCe lemme talk to you for a minuet." Aiden said from across the living room. I nodded and followed him to the den.

"Wassup?" I asked smiling up at him.

"Umm, well its something I need to tell you." He said avoiding eye contact with me.

My stomach instantly tightened.

"What?" I asked nervously while biting down on my lip.

"Well I... I love you.." He whispered looking down at the floor.

"What?" I asked because I could barely hear him.

" I said I love you Kayce. I didn't want this to happen, but it kinda just did. I know you used to like me, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I just... I couldn't not tell you that I've been crushin on you for a wile now, I just thought you should know." He said looking down into my eyes.

My mouth hung open and I stood there in shock.

"Wow... Aiden, why are you just now telling me this shit?! I mean I love you too, but I don't know if I love you like that anymore. And I know what happened earlier this year brought the both of is closer together, but this is a lot to take in." I said.

He sighed and took a deep breath.

"I know, I know. I just had to tell you, I was getting tired of holding it in and being in denial. Don't get me wrong, I want you and Shane together, but I can't help the feelings I have for you. I love you and there's nothing me or you can do about it." He said laughing a lil.

I smiled.

"Well if it counts, IF Shane and I don't work out I know who to come to." I said winking at him.

He smiled hard and hugged me.

"Thanks ma. I'll be waiting too." He whispered in my ear.

I laughed and said ok.

Before I could pull out of his arms he grabbed a handful of my ass.

I pushed him away from me and shook my had before walking out the room.

My best boy friend had a crush in me! Who the fuck woulda guessed that shit?!

Ugh, back to decorating I guess!


Sorry for the wait loves!!




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