//Chapter One: The Excitement Begins

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edited chapters have a // in the title. i don't wanna change them too much cause I wanna keep the writing style I used when I first started (it does get better I promise), so I'm just editing spelling errors or bits that don't make sense. this story is pretty cliche and kinda cringey but oh well we out here.

chapter edited 31/05/19

A/N that image isn't mine I just thought it was too fabulous not to use.

Well hello there and welcome to probably one of the most awkward books you'll ever read. This is my first ever proper Moriarty fan fiction thing so I suggest you sit back, relax and enjoy the second hand embarrassment 👍🏻 XD
Y/N- your name
Y/L/N- your last name
Your POV
Beep! Beep! Beep!
The alarm clock had somehow woven it's way into your dreams both abruptly and undeservedly. You groaned and turned over to switch it off. Maybe someday you'd set it to music or something. Anything would be better than that racket going off every morning. Rays of sunlight danced through your thin curtains and nestled along the covers, hitting you with sudden warmth. With a sigh, you pushed back the duvet and got up. You opened the curtains properly, trying to avoid facing the blinding sun directly. September needed to get its act together cause summer was definitely meant to be over.

Your mum called for you from downstairs, probably asking if you'd gotten up yet. The clock on your desk read 7:00am. You decided that you didn't have time for a shower as you needed to leave by 8 if you wanted to catch the bus in time. You silently cursed your new school and all of the pupils inside it.

Eilís, your dog, followed you downstairs once you were changed. The smell of toast must have woken her up from a peaceful slumber. Sometimes you really envied that dog. You turned the corner of the kitchen to see your mother eating breakfast.

"Morning sweetie. You'd better hurry up or you'll be late." You nodded and grabbed yourself some toast from the basket on the table, practically inhaling it as you swallowed it down. By the time you had your bag sorted it was time to leave.

"Bye Mum! See you later." You called out and then sped off up the hill. The second you reached the bus stop you could tell that it was going to be one of those schools.

Every head turned your way as you walked awkwardly towards the shelter. Several boys wolf whistled, earning themselves an eye roll. Luckily the bus arrived before you could be hassled anymore. You sighed in relief when you saw the incompetent fools sit down near the back with their mates. Wishing to be as far away as possible, you made your way to a secluded seat near one of the windows.

A few people tapped you on the shoulder, eager to learn your entire life story, and evidently not realising that you weren't in the mood, They were extremely persistent, trying to get you interested in joining friendship groups, or getting involved in some gossip you didn't have the willpower to care for. You replied to all of their comments with obvious sarcasm but they were too oblivious to notice it. Eventually, you'd had enough and shifted seats over to a girl sitting quietly on her own.
"Hi there. Sorry to bother you but I'm at my wits end. Is it alright if I sit?" The girl gave you a small smile and moved up a seat so that you could sit down.

You did so and stretched out, relaxing a lot more.
"Thanks, you're an angel." The girl nodded her head and then put her hand out for you to shake.
"I'm glad to be of assistance. My name's Molly by the way." You took it.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N"


You stepped off the bus and waited for Molly to appear. Once she had she led you into the school, pointing out some of the classrooms and the dining hall. You groaned in despair.
"There's no way that I'll be able to remember how to get to all of my lessons."
"Don't worry, once you get used to it you'll find your way around easily." Molly grinned.
"I hope you're right." You muttered under your breath.

A bell rang in the corridor, signalling that it was time for form. Molly helped you though the throngs of students whilst you avoided all of the stares you were getting. New kids were evidently the most interesting thing since sliced bread. Finally, you reached the door to your new form room and walked in. The teacher nodded in your direction, noting your existence, then beckoned for you to stand next to him. He clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. People turned in their chairs, giving you a once over.

"Okay everyone! If I can have your attention for a moment. Thank you. We have a new student joining us, please give a warm welcome to Y/N Y/L/N! I hope you will help her in every way you can. Oh, and for the benefit of those of you that don't know me, my name is Mr Moffat. Don't cross the line. If you do you'll be facing my wrath for the rest of term." The classed laughed politely at his attempted comedic introduction, giving you the chance to take a seat next to Molly.


As you left form you noticed a crowd of people all surrounding something in the hall. Molly immediately tried to distract you with something but you weren't interested. Slowly, you approached the semi-circle of students and saw to your horror what was happening. Some people noticed you and started talking loudly.

"How about we get the new girl to do something?"
"What? You mean like an induction for her?"
"Why not? I think she'd pack quite a punch."

The voices soon blurred into one until you could barely hear them at all. You were instead, looking down at a boy of around your age, lying crumpled on the ground. His arm was twisted behind his back by a different student whilst others were repeatedly kicking his stomach. Someone was on the floor rummaging through his bag and mocking the items inside it. Your stomach turned. You felt sick.

"What's going on?" You asked in a quiet whisper, more to the boy than anyone else. He didn't reply, but watched you cautiously. As though you might attack him suddenly. Voices clamoured out around you telling you that he was a loner. A nobody. They were all bullies.
You stood slowly, clenching your fists. Molly grabbed your arm before you could do anything about it and dragged you down the hall, away from the ruckus. You looked back and saw the boy's face crumple in disappointment, but it was replaced with pain as another punch was thrown at him.

He closed his eyes and waited for it to end.

A/N ayup guys, I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of this story. Just a quick beginning and character building one. Please check out my Sherlock imagines book if you have the time. I'll see ya soon. Baiiii-L

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