Chapter Ten: Well this is awkward

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                            's been a while hasn't it? Nearly two months to be exact 😅 I am really sorry but I guess I just lost track of where I wanted this book thing to go. A few days turned to a few weeks which eventually managed to turn into two months. There isn't much excuse except writer's block and the fact that I've been busy with other things.

I finished my Sherlock Imagines book and was just thinking about something else to start on. I'm currently drafting out chapter after chapter of a Draco Malfoy fan fic. I'll tell you more about it when I get closer to publishing it but I'm gonna try and concentrate on this thing for now. Without anymore apologies lets get straight into the next chapter. As per usual:
Y/N-your name
Y/L/N-your last name
Your POV
You managed to wriggle out from underneath him, but the tingling sensation of his lips on your's still lingered. He gave you a small smile to try and get rid of the obvious tension that had now crept up on you both but it was too late.

Jim had left the doorway and was now filling two glasses with water. You were still in a slight daze so were finding it difficult to work out what was going on. The cool glass surprised you as he slipped it into your hand, making you almost drop it. You stopped yourself before it fell and hastily took a sip.

"Are you okay?" He asked, the concern evident on his face.
"Fine!" You answered just a little too quickly. Jim shrugged and turned away to put his glass in the side.
"Alright then."

Once again an awkward silence threaded its way through the room. It threatened to choke you so you just took a deep breath and sipped at the water again. Without warning, the phone rang in the hallway, making the two of you jump. Jim hurried out of the room to answer it, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

You weren't entirely sure why you felt all strange about it but you were nevertheless. Jim's voice was echoing down the corridor but you couldn't quite make out each individual word he was saying so you crept closer and put your head round the door in order to listen.

"Yes I'm with her. Wha-No! It's nothing like that! Of course I have, she's my friend, did you not with your friends!? How am I the one being unreasonable? You're the one making accusations. Oh, do me a favour and just shut up!" He then slammed the phone back down in its cradle. You flinched and hastily drew your head back before he could see you'd been watching.

What did he get so angry about? And who was on the phone? You suspected his aunt because you'd never seen him with anyone else. Jim arrived back in the kitchen and saw your panic stricken face. He sighed.

"How much of that did you hear?"
"All of it." He sighed again.
"Sorry, just my stupid aunt. It doesn't matter." You didn't believe for one moment that it didn't matter but didn't want to pester him incase he got even more angry.

"Perhaps I should just go anyway, I've been here long enough." Jim looked as though he was about to protest but thought better of it and instead gave you a reassuring smile.
"Okay, I'll see you at school tomorrow. Just remember, I own you."

You smirked and felt a little bit more at ease with him.
"Oh don't worry Mr Moriarty. I know." He laughed as we both walked to front door. He opened it for you a looked out at the sky which was slowly getting darker.

"I'll walk you home if you want?" You shook your head.
"It's fine, I'm sure I can survive on my own until tomorrow." Jim grinned, making me pleased that I could make someone as unhappy as him smile like that.

"Very well. See you soon Y/N."
"Yes, you will." With that, you walked out of the door and started off down the road. You then paused for a second, turned around so you were facing him and waved. Jim waved enthusiastically back until he couldn't see you anymore.

I know it's quite short but I guess it's just a filler chapter. I'll try and update again soon because God knows that you deserve it. Baiiiii for now-L

Jim Moriarty: I. Own. You.  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now