Chapter Two: Life goes on

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Ayup guys, here we are with the second chapter of my book. Hope you enjoy. :)
Y/N- your name
Y/L/N- your last name
F/B- favourite band
Jim's POV
I watched with growing interest as the new girl was lead away by someone who I assumed to be Molly. It had surprised me when she hasn't joined in the merry beating. All the new students did. I cleared my head of the thoughts and focused on not crying out at the pain of being kicked. Not that I felt it as much anymore. I stopped caring a while ago.

The bell rang, declaring first period. Several students gave me one last hit before hurrying off to their lessons. I didn't bother to go. Instead I lay there for a few minutes more, thinking about my miserable life. Eventually the school nurse found me wallowing there in my self pity. She didn't ask questions because she knew what was going on. She'd been treating me since I started at high school.

When she saw me she sighed and helped me up, I followed her quickly to the First Aid Office and sat down in one of the all familiar worn out chairs. Miss Winters returned a few minutes later with a bandage, plasters and some cream. I held perfectly still as she tended to my wounds, not even wincing. Her tired voice broke the silence.

"Why won't you do something about this Jim? It's becoming ridiculous." I scoffed at her stupidity and turned away to face the window.
"What would you like me to do? Everyone knows that I get bullied, they just either choose to ignore it or add fuel to the ever growing fire." Miss Winters looked at me sadly and then shook her head in defeat.
"Fine, have it your way. You can stay here until the end of school. I'll ask someone to send you some work to do." I nodded my head in gratitude and then leant back on the cotton cushions, feeling the warm fabric melt around my body.

The office had become a second home for me. Since I didn't have any friends there wasn't anyone to visit me at lunch break. This in itself wasn't surprising. Miss Winters came out from one of the medical rooms and sat across from me at the small table in her main office. She watched me carefully as I pulled out some lunch from my bag. An apple. Great.

I found myself carving some letters into it, not really concentrating on what I was doing. Luckily Miss Winters didn't see either so she wouldn't think I was completely insane. She left to tend to a student who'd fallen down the stairs outside the science block. He was in the year below me but still had the nerve to throw me the dirtiest look he could muster whilst holding a bloody tissue up to his nose.

It almost made me laugh out loud at his pathetic attempt. To distract myself I stared down at the letters I'd carved into my apple. I O U. Had I actually gone completely mad? Before I could question my sanity too much the bell rang for the last time of the day. Finally, I could leave this hell hole.

I rushed out of the office trying to avoid the streaming crowds of people that swarmed towards the doors like bees to pollen. People shoved me a few times but other than that it wasn't anything too bad. They were obviously more concerned about getting out of school than tormenting me. There was no way that I'd ever get the bus; I didn't have some kind of death wish. Instead I walked home. Fortunately I didn't live too far away from school so it would only take me about 20 minutes to walk home.

I set off down the road away from school and the misery that it brought. I scrolled down my song list and paused on one. 'Staying alive' By the BeeGees. I hadn't listened to it in ages. I plugged in my headphones and selected the song, letting the wave of voices fill my ears. The song was only half way through when I heard someone calling me. Stupidly I turned around to see the girl from earlier. Aha, maybe she'd come back for her turn.

"Excuse me, but you dropped your keys." I stared at her in disbelief. She was helping me? Me? This was highly unusual. In fact it was pretty much next to impossible. I took my keys from her cautiously, almost expecting her to take them back off me and run away to have a laugh with her friends. It didn't happen.

"Thanks I guess?" It was more of a question than a statement. She grinned at me but her attention was quickly diverted to the plaster across my face.
"Is that those students did to you?" She asked, her face contorted with worry. This confused me because no one other Miss Winters had ever cared for my well being. Not even me. I nodded, not wanting to reply out loud. Her face grew angry and she kicked the wheelie bin next to us.
"I don't understand! Why does everyone in that building seem to have some kind of hatred towards you? Did you do something bad or what?" I thought carefully about how to word my reply.
"They think that my life style is my choice." She sighed in despair but didn't say anything else.

The song was reaching its finish but she must have heard it due to the overwhelming silence. A wide smile cracked along her face.
"Is that the BeeGees?" I nodded curtly, unsure of how to explain why I was listening to them. She grinned again.
"That's good, I listen to them sometimes." That was it, I made my decision. This girl had to become my friend, or at the very least a close acquaintance. I cleared my throat which had suddenly become quite dry.
"Their music style is interesting. What other bands do you listen to?" She thought about it carefully before answering.
"I would say F/B." I felt myself laugh on the inside. Someone who had similar music tastes to me. It was about time.

We spoke for a while longer as we walked along. I knew she'd taken the bus in the morning but apparently she was visiting a friend from her old school. We arrived at the house which was only a few streets away from my own. I said my goodbyes and promised to see her in school tomorrow.

Maybe my life was finally looking up.

A/N ayup guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It is a little bit late but I can't be helped. If you have the time could you possibly check out my other works. I'm not forcing you to, just wondering if you'll consider it. Anyways, I'll see ya soon. Baiii-L

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