anime oneshots anyone?

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so it's been a hot second since I did anything wattpad related but I've found myself with little to do during quarantine and I felt like writing some shit and so I've created an anime oneshots book.

posting this here cause this book seems to have been getting a fair amount of attention recently and this is the only way I can think of letting my followers/a wider audience know about what I'm up to, as announcements don't seem to get much notice.

but yeah basically I've made an anime character x reader book which has like 4 chapters atm so if ya wanna check that out/request a character I'd be eternally grateful 🙏🏻 dunno how often updates will be but requests will make things a lil easier, plus if a scenario is requested as well.

there's more info about all that stuff in the intro to the book so if you're interested feel free to give it a lil read and hopefully you'll like what I've written.

anyways, that's all for now, thanks to everyone who has read this dumb Moriarty fan fic, i dunno how it's managed to get over 50k reads but I love all of you for giving it a chance and I hope to see on my anime oneshots book which you can find on my profile :D

adiós fellas and thanks again!

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