Chapter Four: Alone is all I have

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Ayup guys, here's the next chapter hope you enjoy :) As per usual:
Y/N- your name
Y/L/N- your last name
Jim's POV
I walked in Y/N's home and looked around in surprise. It seemed so normal. For someone that was so kind and thoughtful for some reason it shocked me that she could live in such a boring and usual house. She saw me looking and gave me a weak smile.
"I know, it's not very exciting is it?" I shuffled my feet awkwardly.
"Sorry, I shouldn't be so rude. You did just help me escape my certain doom back there." She grinned and shrugged at the notion.
"That's what friends are for right?" I felt my face heat up and had to turn my head away to hide the blush.

I watched with interest as she walked into the kitchen, searching in the fridge for food.
"So...what do you want for lunch? Considering that we did just walk out of school." I chuckled and went to stand next to her and see what there was. I noticed the pizza in the freezer and drew in a breath.
"I have found the chosen food." She laughed, her musical voice sending shivers up my spine.
"Alrighty then, pizza it is."

I walked into the living room and took a seat on the sofa.
"Put your feet up, this'll take a few minutes." I thanked her and picked up a magazine from the side table. Half an hour later, Y/N was calling me from the kitchen.
"It's ready Jim!" I stood and walked into the room, smelling the pizza aroma. We both sat down and tucked in, stuffing our faces full of food.

For the next few hours we lounged about, telling each other terrible puns and groaning at our own stupidity. At 3:30 the doorbell went. Y/N's smile light up her face as she rushed out into the hallway. I waited politely for her to finish speaking to whoever it was. Instead of this happening she entered the room with a girl in tow. This new girl looked at me and gasped. I realised that it was Molly Hooper, the first person that Y/N had ever spoken to at school. Molly pointed to me and loudly announced her thoughts to the room.

"What the Hell is he doing here Y/N." Molly looked at me spitefully, her sharp eyes cutting into me. I felt my face pale and I shifted my gaze to Y/N, hoping that she'd do something.
"You can't seriously like him can you?" Molly continued, making me want to sink down through the floor and straight next to the Devil Himself. Y/N looked Molly straight in the eye.
"Of course I don't really like him. I was about to invite everyone around to you know- have a go at him." My face fell and my ears blocked out anything else that the were saying.

I stood quickly and shoved past the two of them, running from the room. Molly laughed after me, whilst Y/N called me back. I didn't listen to either of them. I should have known that it was too good to be true.

I trekked home, wallowing in my self pity. I found myself almost walking into a brick wall that towered in front of me. Rain splattered against my face, sending my hair haywire. Fumbling in my pocket, I pulled out a black pen marker and looked around me uncertainly. No one was around so I began quickly.

I put the lid back on my pen and started walking home. I looked back at my handiwork and gave it a weak smile.

'Alone is all I have'

A/N ayup guys, I'm not sure how much I like this chapter but I guess it'll do. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya all soon. Baiiii-L

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