A/N (I know, another one...sorry)

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(This isn't like a really serious author's note so don't panic)

I'm aware I haven't updated in a few days and I would've usually posted a new chapter by now (probably) but I'm ill atm so I haven't been feeling like posting anything.

I've been ill for like a week now which is pretty unusual for me because my illnesses usually last like two or three days and then they're done so idk what's happening. Anyways, when I'm feeling better I'll try and put something up as soon as possible so that hopefully you won't have to wait too long.

I can only hope and pray that I'm okay again by next week because my family and I will be going to London to go to Harry Potter world and I've been so excited for it. Literally, I'll be devastated if we can't go because of my stupid illness thing. I'll probs cry (not sure if I'm joking anymore)

Anyways, that's all I have to say and I'm sorry again for making you all wait a while for this but like I said I'll try and update as soon as I feel up to it. Baiiiii for now-L

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