Chapter Three: Had enough

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Ayup guys, sorry this chapter is later coming than I had hoped but I was a bit busy with things. Anyways, without further ado, let's continue :)
Y/N- your name
Y/L/N- your last name
Your POV
You waved goodbye to Jim and then knocked on your friend's door. Rachel (feel free to change it) swung it open and squealed when she saw you.
"Y/N! How are you!? It's been aaaaaages." You laughed and hugged her tightly.
"I'm fine Rach, how about you?" She waved her hand dismissing the question.
"We can catch up later, first I wanna know you you were with!" Your rolled your eyes; this was typical Rachel behaviour.

She lead you inside, talking about how all of your friends were and how upset she had been about you going to a different school. Diane her mother came out of the kitchen and looked up at you in surprise.
"Y/N? I wasn't expecting to see you." You explained why'd come again and she ushered the two of you upstairs into Rachel's bedroom. It was just like you remembered.

" haven't changed it at all." Rachel grinned shyly and looked around her at the room.
"I guess I didn't feel like changing it, you liked it the way it was. But anyway, that's not important. Who was that boy? Is it your boyfriend? Your-" you stopped her question quickly before she could continue.
"1) That was Jim Moriarty, someone who goes to my school and 2) no way José." She laughed her all familiar laugh.
"I'm just messing with you."

You both talked all evening until you decided you should be getting home. After you'd promised on pain of death that you would keep in touch you left and began to walk the short distance from Rachel's house to your own.

When you entered your father was sitting at the dining room table.
"Aha, there you are." You grinned at your dad and gave him a quick hug.
"Indeed I am, how was work?" He chuckled and stood up, stretching his back out a little.
"Nothing much to report. Anyway, you should probably get to bed, you've got school tomorrow." You rolled your eyes and sighed. Defiantly, you dragged yourself upstairs into your bedroom. You had barely got changed before your head hit the pillow and you were asleep.

-time skip to the next morning-

You yawned and stretched. Glancing at the clock you realised the time. You let out a small shriek and leapt out of the bed; there'd be no time for breakfast today. When you left the house the bus had already gone so you had to walk.

Eventually you arrived 15 minutes late for class. Form was over so instead you rushed into first period. The teacher gave you a hard glare.
"Nice of you to join us Miss Y/L/N. What happened? The TARDIS forget to pick you up? Your broomstick didn't work?" You rolled your eyes at Mr Gattis' poor attempt at humour. You sat down heavily next to Jim who gave you a small smile.

You nodded in his direction and then turned you attention back to Maths. After what seemed like a life time the bell went signalling second period. You groaned as you stood up, English with Miss Pond. Jim left the classroom ahead of you glancing around him at the students that frowned at him.

Sudden laughter alerted your senses. Was Jim okay? You could hear raised voices outside the classroom. You rushed out into the corridor and saw it. Once again Jim was lying on the floor protecting his head from the kicks being directed towards him. One boy you thought was called Phillip Anderson wrenched Jim off the floor and grabbed him by his hair. You winced at the pain he must be feeling.

Molly came up behind you realising what was happening.
"Y/N please don-" you cut her off by marching towards the gaggle of students surrounding Jim. You reached the border and shoved people aside until you were standing in front of Anderson. He grinned at you and stared down at Jim who had sunk to his knees, a life less expression on his face. Anderson held him out towards you.

"Care to have a go?" That was the final straw, you lurched forward and punched him square in the face. Blood spurted from his nose and the students around you gasped, backing off a few paces. You grabbed hold of Jim's arm and hauled him away from the corridor. There was no point continuing the school day so instead you left through the school doors.

Jim stared back at the building and looked back at you with admiration.
"Thank you, I-I can't believe you did that." You laughed out loud but felt like crying.
"Neither can I..."

A/N I'm so sorry that this is late but like I said I was kind of busy what with school and the like. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you soon. Baiiii-L

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