Chapter Twenty Øne: Rules and Regulations

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(ayyy tøp)

The sound of a door opening resonated somewhere in the back of your head but your brain was too busy concentrating on staying asleep to notice. It was only when the curtains next to your bed were flung open that you woke up and realised someone had come in. Moran's face smirked down at you.

"Get ready, clothes are in the wardrobe. The Boss wants to talk to you." His instructions were quick and precise, he wasn't messing around. You raised an eyebrow when he said 'The Boss' but kept any comments to yourself and just clenched your teeth. Hopefully this would all be over soon.

Once you had (reluctantly) put the clothes that had been provided for you on, you exited the rooms quietly and tiptoed down the stairs. You were almost at the front door when someone clapped their hand down on your shoulder. You sighed and turned around to be face to face with Moriarty himself.
"Now where do you think you're going?"

You smiled sweetly and gestured to one of the huge windows that looked out onto the driveway you'd been on only several hours earlier.
"I just wanted a little walk around the premises. I hate being cooped up inside all day." Moriarty smirked and shook his head defiantly, dragging you away from the door.

"Excuse me if I don't believe you for one second. The girl I knew hated to be outside even if it was for a couple of minutes. You can't fool me Y/N." He teased, leading me into what must have been his study. You glared at him, restraining yourself from lunging at the psychopath.
"It's Miss Y/L/N to you, not Y/N."

Moriarty sighed and sat down heavily at his desk, tapping his fingers against it thoughtfully.
"What happened Y/N?" He asked, ignoring your request. "You were always so cheerful when I knew you. Hell, you once stood up in front of the entire school to defend me. What changed?" You stared at him in disbelief, finding it difficult to imagine that he didn't know.

"You left and apparently become a serial killer. I had no contact with for ten years, even though you said you'd make sure to keep in touch. Forgive me for learning not to trust people but in all honesty I think I have a good reason not to trust you."

Moriarty shrugged, leaning closer towards you.
"It doesn't matter. This is what you are going to do." You opened your mouth to protest but he merely help up his hand, silencing you instantly. "You will do this. The alternative is much more painful." You sighed and moved back against the wall.

"Why? Does it involve death?" You asked, trying to appear as though you weren't bothered. Moriarty's eyes glinted as he stood up quickly and in a few short steps was standing right in front of you.
"An excellent idea Y/N. Who's demise did you have in mind."
"Your's?" You suggested, a small smirk beginning to creep out onto your face.

Moriarty studied you, his dark eyes scanning every aspect of your face. Almost as if he was reading you, reading your expressions and trying to second guess your moves. You shifted nervously, he was too close to you for comfort.
"Lame comeback Y/N, I had expected better."

He stepped away from you and sat back down at the desk, his eyes not once leaving you.
"Anyhow, you'll be working for me from now on. No more of this prisoner rubbish. You shall report to Sebastian every morning where he will give you tasks and you will carry them out. If you do not comply then I'll fire you on the spot."

You frowned.
"Fire me?" Moriarty smiled a toothy grin and moved to stand up, ushering you towards the door.
"Oh yes, I heard flame throwers work best." You gulped as he pushed you gently out of the room. He grinned at your worried expression and leant against the doorframe.
"No need to worry your little head Y/N. If push comes to shove I'll tie you to the ceiling and set fire to the room. Any better?"

You glared at him as the door shut with a click and you were left alone in the hallway. No one especially was around so you made a quick decision. It was time to do some exploring.


With a yawn you glanced around you at the room you'd accidentally walked into. It hadn't been too difficult to work out how to get around the place but you'd stumbled into a hallway that you hadn't noticed beforehand so were having difficulty memorising it. It could come in useful later on.

You stretched out and turned around, deciding you would just head back to the bedroom. With an undignified shriek, you realised Moran was there, smirking to himself. You clutched your chest and tried to slow your heartbeat down that had started hammering at your ribcage.

"Don't do that." You groaned. He merely shrugged and gestured for you to follow him.
"I was watching you. You've got a good memory y'know? I figured I should start your training as soon as possible."
"My training?" You frowned, trying to work out what he meant. "Moriarty told me I'd be 'carrying out tasks' I assumed that meant random jobs."

Moran nodded and pointed to a door on the left. You pushed it open, following Moran blindly as he lead you intothe room. The inside vaguely resembled an obstacle course, with ropes, wooden planks and so much more dotted around the room.

"What he meant was our type of jobs. Assassination jobs." Your mouth opened in surprise but no noise came out, as though all forms of speech had been forgotten in five second flat. He smirked for the second time in ten minutes and threw you some clothes.
"Put these on, I want to see how good you are."

A/N hope that was satisfactory. I know it's a lil bit short but I didn't have many ideas for this chapter as its kind of a filler on (ish). Anyways, I'll see ya later. Baiiii-L

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