Chapter Twenty Three: Code Red

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Lately around the 'Moriarty Mansion' (as you liked to call it) things had become much more hectic. More and more of Jim's network were arriving, talking in hushed voices about these so-called 'plans'. Many of the operatives trusted you by now but there were still a few who were wary.

Hardly surprising considering you had once been against them. Or maybe you still were. It was complicated. Part of you didn't want to let go of the life you'd had with Sherlock and John. That life had been full to the brim with fun, action, hair-raising adventures and so on. Even if you weren't always allowed to get involved properly, you'd still enjoyed doing the research that they were either too lazy or too tired to do.

On the other hand, this new life Jim had given you had allowed much for freedom in the battlefield. Sure, you hadn't killed anyone (not that you wanted to) but with all the training you had been given you felt ready for anything. So there lay the problem.

Jim had been asking that same week if you still wanted to be a part of what he did. It was dangerous work and you were still technically a hostage of his, however loosely the term was being used. Despite settling into the house and feeling a part of it, you'd never been able to get rid of the hope that Sherlock or John would find you. However happy you felt, the feeling never really went away.

Which was why, whilst everyone else was preparing for some event due to take place in less then a weeks time, you were sat upstairs in your room and keeping away from the buzz. Jim had repeatedly told you that it was fine for you to hate him. You were after all, a kind of prisoner of his. But there was the second problem.

You could never hate him.

Ever since you'd met him in high school you had find it difficult to get angry at him for very long. The second you'd seen him he just seemed to have an instant affect on you. No matter what he did or where he went you could never hate him. Even after he had left you alone for over 10 years to make your own way in the world and somehow cope without him.

And then he'd strolled back into this life you had created for yourself with a silly grin on his face, dark eyes sparkling with mischief. The mischief being killing people for fun and blackmailing your friends. But no matter. He had ripped away a piece of your heart and now kept it locked up in that brilliant mind of his. There was no way in hell you could get it back.

When he said he'd burn the heart out of you, you never realised he was almost telling the truth.

With a sigh you leant down on the desk and banged your head on it repeatedly, wishing everything could go back to being normal. Things were a lot less complicated back then. The biggest drama you'd ever had was Molly's horrible taste in men or the disgusting smells that would sometimes trail out of Sherlock's flat and into yours. Never had you imagined in your wildest dreams that you would have to decide if you wanted to side with you annoying git of a friend, Sherlock Holmes or the notorious criminal, James Moriarty.

You groaned again and slammed your head down on the desk making it creak horribly. Empty beer bottles toppled from it, littering the floor. Your head now throbbing worse than before, you glanced up to see the culprit of your deep thoughts staring down at you quizzically.
"You okay?" He asked, his Irish accent making you fall further in love than before. Because that's what it was. Love. You would never understand it.

"Does it look like it?" You muttered with a sigh and grabbed a half full beer bottle that was balanced next to you precariously on a stack of unread books. With one gulp the remainder of the liquid was gone and the empty bottle now lay in your hands. Jim swiped it off you and through it out of the room somewhere. It clattered along the carpeted floor before halting right at the top of the stairs.

"That was a fluke you cheater." You whined and stood up, wobbling a little. Jim grabbed at you worriedly, making sure you didn't fall.
"God Y/N! How many have you had?" His choice of words made you laugh. A small giggly laugh which proved that you had definitely had too much to drink.
"I don't think you should say God. You certainly aren't getting into Heaven after what you've done."

Jim rolled his eyes but you could easily see he was trying to suppress a smile, even in your woozy state. Another giggle erupted from inside of you as you pushed him away and stumbled over to your bed, watching in fascination as objects around you doubled. Jim frowned and put a hand on your shoulder, lowering you into the bed.

"I think it's time you went night night." You raised one eyebrow, still managing to look cynical even at a time like this.
"Don't talk to me like I'm stupid, I do understand the phrase 'it's time you went to bed'. Don't patronise me." The Consulting Criminal rolled his eyes for the second time in the space of five minutes but you still managed to catch his blush of embarrassment at being called out like that.

Weariness was beginning to take its toll on you as you sunk further down onto the mattress. As you settled Jim made you more comfortable and made sure to position your head in a certain why so that if you were sick whilst sleeping you wouldn't drown in it. Not a pleasant image but you understood he was trying to help.

Dozing off a little you began mumbling nonsense under your breath. Jim listened for a while, nodding his head to show he was still paying attention. His interest seemed to peak when you muttered  something before sleep overtook you.
"There's this um-there's this guy I kindalikebut...he's outta my...league." Your words were slurring together as you felt your eyes drifting close.

You felt Jim stiffen beside you a little but paid him no notice.
"Sebastian?" He asked, desperately trying to get an answer out of you. You shrugged lazily and shifted in the bed, your muscles relaxing.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

The darkness soon got ahold of you and you were dragged straight into it. Not that you were particularly complaining.

A/N eek the story is so close to finishing (I'm not ready). There'll only be like one or two chapters. It'll probably be one but we'll see. Anyways, hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya later! Baiiii-L

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