Chapter Twelve: Imbeciles, Idiots and Morons

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~Ten years later~

You found your eyes becoming heavy as they refused to focus on the task before you. The computer was letting out an irritating beeping noise for no apparent reason. Just proof if proof was needed that the office need the technology updating. These computers were probably used in the dark ages.

A hot cup of coffee being placed down in front of you wrenched you from your day dream. Molly Hooper, your friend from school had put it there. She'd found a job at St Barts not long after leaving school. You'd become desperate at the time and were willing to sell an arm and leg for a job opportunity. Luckily Molly managed to persuade her boss to consider you for a place in the IT department and you were accepted, much to your relief.

"How are you this morning?" She asked, taking a seat at the desk next to yours, the owner of it obviously elsewhere.
"Tired, bored, ready for death. What about you?" She gave you a small smile and took a quick sip of her coffee.
"I don't know. Okay I guess." You sat up and gave her one of your famous stares. The one that scrutinised someone's every movement.

"I'm not an idiot. What's happened now?" You muttered, noticing Molly's dreamy expression.
"I think I am in love." She sighed and gazed out of the window. You groaned loudly and leant forwards, covering your hands with your face.
"Molly! Not again!" She glared at you, flicking you harshly on the ear.

"What Y/N? I'm old enough to love who I want. Stop acting like I'm making the worst decision of my life. You could at least be happy for me." You lifted your head up and mentally ran through various reasons you could give her for why her being 'in love' wasn't necessarily a good thing.

"I'm sorry but it's just that, well-you seem to 'fall in love' quite easily. Are you sure this isn't just lust or attraction you're experiencing?"
"I think I know what love feels like." Molly snapped, her voice becoming cold. She rarely got angry but when she did it could be pretty dangerous.
"Okay fine." You said after a second or two of thought. "You might be in love, whatever. I just don't want you to get hurt again."

She sent you a reassuring smile.
"I won't, don't you worry." You returned her grin and sipped at your coffee.
"So, who is he?" Molly's dreamy expression was once again plastered on her face as she told you.
"Sherlock Holmes."

You spat out the coffee you'd been just about to swallow, not caring that it was dribbling down your chin.
"Seriously Molly?! You like Sherlock bloody Holmes? Of all the people in the world you fall for him?"
"I know." She mumbled, sighing to herself. "But I can't help it. He's just so-ugh." You patted her leg sympathetically, all the while thinking of ways in which to murder Sherlock if he so much as laid a finger on your friend.


Finally, after what had seemed like several millenniums of nothingness and never-ending boredom you were finished at work for the day. Molly had gone back down the labs a few hours beforehand so you imagined she'd be calling it a day too. You stood up and stretched, letting out a quiet yawn whilst doing so. Time to get home.

You switched off your computer, waiting for it to finish shutting down before exiting the room. A few people were still around but not many. As you walked you hummed a tune, glad to be out of there. Since getting the job you'd been hoping for a lucky break in which you could get a different career but at the moment that didn't seem very likely.

Just as you turned the corner and were about to reach the door which lead to freedom, your neighbour appeared.
"Ah Y/N, I was wondering if I'd catch you." You resisted the urge to repeatedly bang your head against the wall and instead gave him a smile. It was so obviously sarcastic so you knew he'd figure it out. Then again, he would have known what you'd had for lunch just by looking at you for a few seconds.

"Well isn't it lucky that you found me? I feel so blessed that Sherlock Holmes has located my whereabouts." Sherlock gave you an amused glance and then gestured towards the door.
"Why don't I make your day even better by escorting you home?" He asked, his famous smirk playing on his lips.
"There's nothing I'd like more."

It was fairly safe to say that the two of you didn't get on. That was why you were so against Molly's love interest. He really was a prick. When you were out house hunting this man approached you, deducing everything that had happened to you in about five minutes flat. He had then asked if you wanted to get a flat with him which declined as politely as you could without strangling him.

It was only once you'd settled into 221C Baker Street did you realise that (much to your horror) that you would be living in the same building as the prat. Mrs Hudson had been reluctant to rent out what she called 'the reject apartment' to you and had suggested that you move in with Sherlock instead. Neither of liked this idea so she was forehead to give in and let you stay in the flat below his.

A few months later, now that it had been sufficiently cleaned and decorated to your satisfaction you were living quite peacefully. The only downside was your insane neighbour. Sherlock was constantly running around his flat screaming about random things. You knew that he was a 'Consulting Detective' (whatever that meant) so helped the police solve cases but in your mind there really was no excuse for his behaviour.

"Have you finished dissecting the human race for the day?" You asked him in another fake cheery voice.
"If you mean, 'have you finished making valuable notes on the way that the human body works in order to gain better knowledge about the process of what goes on inside us' then yes I have." He replied in a tone that wasn't too different from your own.

"That doesn't change that fact that you are whipping and cutting open people that have died. You could have some respect for the dead."
Sherlock rolled his eyes, this was the argument that you'd been having for weeks. Neither of you were ready to let the other win.
"The keyword there being 'dead'. Anyway, I don't see you having a go at Molly. She is after all the one who does autopsies and the like, being a Pathologist and all."

You pinched the bridge of your nose and let out a frustrated sigh. Before reply to him you reached our a hand towards the main road and signalled for a taxi. One pulled up next to you as you hopped in, quickly followed by Sherlock who gave the address.
"But that's her job. She is a Pathologist for a living." Sherlock shrugged.
"So? I whip dead bodies and solve cases for a living."

A silence followed as you worked out what to say next.
"Yeah but you do this all for a laugh don't you? It's not like you earn money from running around London and solving cases left right and centre." You replied eventually and then turned to look out of the window, indicating that the conversation was now over.

"Does it bother you?" Sherlock asked suddenly.
"Let me rephrase that. Do I bother you?" You let out a snort of amusement and stared at him with one eyebrow raised.
"Since when do you care what other people think? I thought you were Mr Sociopath, as in, Sherlock I-don't-speak-you-because-you're-all-idiots Holmes. The question is, does it bother you?"

The Consulting Detective didn't say anything for the rest of the ride until the taxi had stopped and you'd payed. You had been half hoping that he would go into his flat and leave you alone. Alas not.
"It doesn't bother me." He muttered. "People are stupid. Imbeciles, idiots and morons."

You stopped and looked him straight in the eye.
"This is why no one likes you. Except maybe Mrs Hudson. Try being nice, you might end up with some friends." You then left him standing outside as you walked into the building and down to your apartment, closing the door behind you.

Yup, that man would definitely be the death of you.

A/N ayup guys! So, was that okay? I'm still getting back into the swing of updating but I hope that was good. We've actually moved on it time *yay* Anyways, I've nothing much else to report so I hope you enjoyed that and that you all have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night.

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