Chapter Nineteen: Hostage

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The all familiar sound of your alarm had woven its way into your dreams, a sound that you hadn't missed for the week you were able to ignore it. Nonetheless, you awoke, bleary eyed and still somehow tired despite the hours of sleep you had gotten and shut it off, relishing the immediate silence that followed. John had insisted that you started working again. You wouldn't be helping yourself if you continued this self destructive pattern of doing nothing.

Before you knew it, you were washed, dressed and eating breakfast. Footsteps sounded outside your door and soon a knock followed them. You stood up swiftly, depositing your cereal bowl by the sink after vowing silently to do it when you got home from work.

John was peering at you cheerfully when you opened the door. He smirked when he noticed the scowl on your face and walked past you into the flat.
"I'm surprised you actually got up. I assumed you'd ignore me and stay off work for another few days." He commented, absentmindedly making himself a cup of tea. You were pretty sure at this point that he wasn't aware he was doing it.

"Glad to see you have oodles of faith in me." You retorted and then pointed down at the cup in his hand. "And that you can navigate your way to the kettle in any apartment. Truly an important life skill to have." He looked down at the beverage in his hand and cursed softly. You grinned and walked towards the door, picking up your coat and keys.

"I'll let you keep the tea so long as you replace the cup when you're done. If it's not in its proper place when I return there shall be another head in your fridge for Sherlock to experiment on." John gulped and eyed the cup nervously as though it might smash in his hands. You glanced at your watch to check the time and realised you were already running late.

"Shoot. Look John, I've got to go. You're lucky I trust you enough to not steal my stuff. You have my spare key right?" He nodded. "Good, can you lock the door when you've finished the tea and probably stolen my kettle?" John looked up and started to protest but you just rolled your eyes.
"I'm not stupid, I know Sherlock blew up your last one and you haven't had chance to buy a new one. See you later."

You left the building with a sense of accomplishment, especially after hearing John starting to mumble about 'Sherlock Holmes and his bloody experiments'. After such a hectic week things were beginning to have a sense of normality.


Molly practically leapt onto you when you arrived through the doors of St Barts. Several people looked around to see what the commotion was but she'd ushered you away before they could ask questions. You rolled your eyes for the second time that morning and gave her a grin.
"Did you miss me?"

She gave a surprisingly hard punch on the shoulder but smiled all the same.
"I've been so worried about you. I'm sorry for what happened. It's almost like it was my fault or something." You stopped her quickly before she could continue. Molly had a nasty habit of blaming herself for other people's misfortunes, even if she wasn't involved.

"There's really no need to worry. I'm fine, Sherlock's fine, John's fine and my shoulder would have been fine if you hadn't punched me so roughly."
"You're such a drama queen Y/N, I honestly don't know why I worried about you. You can be so annoying sometimes."

You pouted sadly and turned to look at her.
"I think I'm adorable." Molly sighed and glanced down at her phone.
"And I think it's time to actually do some work. You know, work for this job that we happen to have? I'll see you at lunch break."

She hurried off down to the labs whilst you were left to climb multiple flights of stairs to the IT department. Not that you were complaining; it was probably the most exercise you'd done in the week.

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