Chapter Six: Slap to the face

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Ayup guys, y'all ready for some more of this story? Remind me to never type or say the word y'all ever again, that was one of the most cringeworthy moments of my life. Let's just move on and forget that this ever happened...*yay*
Jim's POV
"I saw her body falling to the ground before I could do anything. In all honesty it was quite a scary moment. The body I saw falling looked so lifeless and limp. So much so, that I didn't realise it was her until I ran over. Even when I did see her lying there I tried to convince myself I was seeing things. Never the less she was there, flesh and blood. Sort of.

When the ambulance arrived; lights and all, I tuned out on the world and watched her. I didn't realise that she'd put so much effort and thought into finding someone like me. Why did she or that? Or if you prefer, why does she do that? Continue to care even after I've given up hope." I looked up at my Aunt who gave me a small smile.

"She cares about you James. I know that it's hard for you to understand but people do care. Students at school, teachers, me and of course Y/N." I chuckled quietly when she mentioned students. Maybe not quite a chuckle, more of a snort of disbelief.

Y/N's doctor came out of the small room which contained my immobile friend. Friend...was I really still trying to persuade myself that that's what she was? The word friend didn't mean anything, it's just a label. Something you call someone you know vaguely and can talk to. I knew the pupils at my school and they talked to me by hurling abuse but I doubted people would call that friendship. Not unless it was some love-hate relationship that had gotten out of hand.

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts and tried instead to focus on what the doctor was saying to her parents and my Aunt.
"-suffering from mild hypothermia. She'll live though, just needs good care and to be kept away from the outdoors. The last thing Miss Y/L/N needs is a cold in the middle of winter." Everyone was happy. Y/N was okay. That meant that I should have been joining in with the grins and cheerful nods.

Instead I crept past them and tiptoed into her room. And there she was, just how I'd imagined she'd be. Trying to sit up and listen to the conversation we were having. She glanced up at me and gave her usual reassuring smile. The one that could brighten anyone's day.

I manoeuvred one of the horrible plastic chairs next her bed and sat down heavily on it. The back dug into my spine, making me squirm. Y/N raised an eyebrow and her smile vanished almost instantly.

She lifted her right hand and pulled it back. Before I realised what she was about to do she slapped me full force across the face. I didn't yell out in pain, I merely sat there with a surprised expression on my face. I frowned and opened my mouth to speak. She put her finger to my lips and spoke aloud herself.

"Now you know what'll happen if you ever doubt my friendship again. I admit that I am in the wrong too but that doesn't mean I'll take all the blame." I mulled over what Y/N had said and then replied.
"Can I have an ice pack?" She laughed and handed me one from the small plastic table next to her small plastic bed. I adjusted myself in my small plastic chair and gingerly lifted the ice pack to my face to help reduce any swelling.

I sighed and looked up to meet her eyes.
"Shall we just start over?" Y/N nodded and held out her hand again, this time to strike a bargain, not me. I shook it and then smiled as I said my next words.
"Hello Miss Y/L/N, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Jim Moriarty. I Own You." She frowned as I had expected she would.
"I own you? Bit random isn't it?" I grinned at her.
"Well, most friends at our school have in jokes and the like. This could be ours." I watched as she debated it in her mind.
"But why I own you?" I shrugged.
"It means that we'll be like two bodies one mind. Kind of like if you controlled one half of a body and I controlled the other." The familiar smile was etched upon her face again.
"Okay then, it's weird but I like it."

My Aunt entered the room and signalled that visiting hours were over. I quickly indicated that I wanted one more minute and waited patiently for her to leave again. When she did I look back at Y/N who was lying innocently on the bed. She looked at the door and then back at me.
"I'm glad we met. Goodbye Mr Moriarty. I Own You."

I smiled as I walked towards the door to the room and pulled it open. I gave one last glance at her and gave a curt nod.
"Goodbye Miss Y/L/N, but please, call me Jim."

I exited the room feeling a lot happier than when I had entered. I ignored all of my Aunt's questions about the red splotch on my face that looked remarkably like a handprint. I Own You...

A/N ayyyyyy, bet you never saw that coming. In all honesty I'm not sure how much you'll like the reason the book is called I. Own. You, but never mind, it sort of made sense to me at the time. Of course, if you have any feedback then feel free to leave a comment below. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya soon. Baiiii-L

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