Chapter Twenty Four: At The Crossroads

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The chaos around the manor had reached its peak by the time you were woke up. So much so, that Sebastian literally dragged you from the room, only just giving you enough time to throw on some clothes and make yourself look vaguely presentable.

"What's got your sadistic and frankly rude knickers in a twist?" You grumbled as he pulled you downstairs and through the hall, heading towards the front doors.
"No time to explain but on the bright side, you'll finally get some action." Sebastian replied quickly, bundling you into a car and then climbing into the front seat. You perked up at that and leant forwards, almost tumbling off the seat in your daze.

"Action? Like as in, being able to do stuff?" Seb rolled his eyes and grunted in some sort of agreement. He wasn't really paying attention to you though. Instead he staring out of the window frantically, craning his neck to see properly.
"What are you doing? Where are we going? Why'd you need me? And what on earth are-" You were cut off by the car door sliding open and Jim clambering in, as elegantly as he could.

"Finally!" Seb exclaimed, revving the engine. "Where have you been?" Jim muttered something incoherent as Sebastian pulled away from the house, tires screeching. You tried to hide your smile but to no avail.

"What are smirking at?" Jim asked. Your grin widened as you shrugged.
"Nothing it's this really what happens every time you make some dramatic entrance? I didn't think about it at the pool but obviously you have to arrive there and the snipers have to get into position or whatever. Do you make maps so everyone knows where to stand? Also, do you write down what you say? Like planning a speech or something."

Jim shook his head in frustration but even Seb could tell he was fighting back a smile.
"I actually just stole some of your catchphrases." You frowned.
"Which ones?" Jim just tapped his nose, indicating that it was a secret. You rolled your eyes at his childlike behaviour and glanced out of the window, noting how the glass was tinted slightly. Private glass.

The car ride wasn't overly long as Seb pulled into a parking lot at the back of a building and hopped out. Jim did too, holding the door open for you like the gentleman he was. You flashed him a sarcastic smile which he returned. It was only when you were stood outside in the parking lot that you worked out where you were.

"What are we doing here?" You asked but neither of them answered. Instead they began walking around the outside of the building, leaving you to catch up. Eventually they found what they were looking and you recognised it instantly. The glass hadn't been mended since the window was last used as an entrance point, shards still littering the ground. Seeing it there gave you a jolt of nostalgia but before you could dwell on it, Jim was ushering you inside.

You shimmied through as carefully as possible, an immediate sense of déjà vu. Once again you were in the storage room. Part of you almost expected to hear Sherlock's voice calling out from beside the pool. Jim and Seb soon joined you but stopped you before you could exit the room.

"What?" You asked, your voice echoing a little in the space.
"You're coming with me." Jim responded as he turned to the left, checking his outfit in the mirror. He looked amazing, handsome even, but you weren't about to say it to his face.
"I'm flattered. What do I have to do?"

Jim opened his mouth to reply but was hushed by Sebastian who had a finger to his lips. None of you said anything for at least a minute. When Sebastian gave a slight nod to say that it was okay you let out a deep breath that you weren't aware you'd been holding. Seb turned to Jim and pointed to the doors.

"They're probably here by now. I'm pretty sure that everyone is in their place and I imagine they know something's up. I suggest we hurry this up." Jim sighed but nodded, gesturing for him to leave.
"You go ahead, I shouldn't be too long."

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