Chapter Thirteen: You actually found a friend?

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You were awoken early the next morning by yelling from the flat above you. Whatever Sherlock was doing you didn't want to know. With a heavy sigh you glanced over at the alarm clock, it's numbers shining out over the still dark room: 6:48.
"Looks like I'm awake." You muttered to yourself miserably and stretched out. The yelling had ceased by the time you'd showered and eaten breakfast, much to your delight.

Work started at 9:00 so you had enough time to go for a walk before heading down to the hospital and beginning the next few hours of boredom. You tended to go to the park and take in beauty at its finest. Unfortunately, Sherlock had other ideas.

As you stepped one foot out of your apartment he grabbed you. It was almost as though he'd been waiting for you to appear, which, knowing Sherlock, wasn't actually that unlikely. You sighed in defeat and met his smirking expression.
"Can you not wait until I've fully woken up before bothering me?" You asked with a hint of desperation in your voice. The Consulting Detective pretended to think for a second before shaking his head.

"Also, 'woken' is a phrase meaning having just emerged from sleep. As you have been up for at least an hour I would say you're pretty awake." He announced in a tone of voice that suggested this fact was obvious. You stared at him with unblinking eyes. He took this as a challenge and soon the two of you had engaged in some sort of extreme staring contest.

This went on for quite some time, until Sherlock's left eye slowly fluttered close and you yelled in victory, causing him to blink in surprise.
"I win." You declared smugly and whipped open the front door and stepped out into the cold London air. Sherlock merely shrugged and followed you outside.
"Perhaps, but unfortunately for you, you have now run out of time to go to the park."

You opened your mouth to protest but he shook his head, indicating that there was no point in you arguing. You watched, anger bubbling deep within you, as your favourite Consulting Narcissist hailed a cab and climbed inside. He turned back towards you and held the door open. You clambered in next to him with a small grunt of thanks, deciding not to pay attention to him for the rest of the trip to St Barts.


With a sigh of relief you pushed back your chair; it was lunch time. Your stomach rumbled greedily as you made your way down to the canteen. Once you'd grabbed some food and sat down you noticed Molly come in looking a bit flustered. You waved at her to come over which she did so, even if it was a little reluctantly.

"Hi Molly!" You grinned "I haven't seen you all day. Where've you been hiding?"
"Well you know, I've been pretty busy down in the lab and morgue so I haven't had time to talk to you. Sorry Y/N." You waved away her comment with your hand.
"No worries. What are you doing up here though?" You asked, glancing down to see an empty mug in her hand.

"Oh um-Sherlock asked for a drink so I was just getting him one. Speaking of which, I'd better get back so I'll see you later." You tried to protest but she'd already disappeared to get Sherlock his drink. You sighed and stood up, tossing away your rubbish. Time to get back to work.

Or, you reasoned, you could go pay your dear neighbour a visit. You were still technically on lunch break so it wouldn't be like you were disregarding some rules. Once you had made up your mind there was no going back so you walked out the canteen but this time went left and down the flight of stairs which led to the labs.

It took a minute or two but eventually you found the one with Sherlock in it. You pushed down on the door handle and walked into the room. A man was standing directly in front of you with his back to the door. Sherlock was sat at one of the counters, a microscope set up and various other pieces of scientific equipment.

Sherlock noticed you but said nothing, instead looking over at Mike Stamford who you hadn't realised was there and asked him a question.
"Mike can I borrow your phone? Mine has no signal." Mike glanced up at him and frowns.
"What's wrong with the landline?" You watched Sherlock with interest as he shrugged.

"I prefer to text." Only Sherlock has realised you're there, the other two aren't facing towards you, giving you the element of surprise if it is needed. Mike reached his hand into his pocket but stopped before doing it completely, as though he'd remembered something.
"Sorry, other coat."

The man directly in front of you put his hand in his pocket, evidently about to pull out his own phone.
"Here, use mine." This surprised you. No one likes Sherlock all that much (understandable of course) so there was no reason for this man to offer Sherlock his own phone. This must be his first Sherlock encounter. Unlucky sod, he was in for one hell of a ride.

Even Sherlock looked slightly surprised but tried not to show it.
"Oh. Thank you." He replied a little half-heartedly. If you hadn't been interested in what was happening you would have walked right up to the prat and throttled him. Mike was oblivious as usual and continued to talk.
"This is and old friend of mine- John Watson."

This time Sherlock didn't even try to look interested, he just started typing something on John's phone. You prayed quietly, hoping that Sherlock won't scare or irritate John with his 'deductions' as he calls them. No such luck.
"Afghanistan or Iraq?" He asked, looking up at John slightly.

Before John could answer the door opened behind you and Molly walked in holding the coffee for Sherlock.
"Y/N?" She questioned, surprise evident on her face. "Why are you down here." John and Mike twisted around to see you standing there awkwardly. You gave them a small wave before disappearing from the room.

Molly followed a minute or two after, letting out a sigh of rejection.
"Remind me to never fall in love with Sherlock again." You patted her back sympathetically but had to hide a small grin of victory. Maybe this meant she'd find someone else.
"I know Molly but you can do so much better than him." She gave you a grateful smile before walking away down the corridor.

You realised with a loud shriek that you should have been back at your computer at least ten minutes ago. You rushed away from the labs to your office, panting all the way. No one seemed to have noticed your absence so you were lucky just this once. Unfortunately, you still had another two hours or so of work to get done so you sat down at your desk with a heavy sigh to begin the arduous task.


Later, once work had finished for the day, you trailed back down to the labs to meet with Sherlock. Knowing him he would still be there and sure enough, when you peered inside he was putting away equipment. You coughed loudly as you entered, knowing perfectly well that whenever you did that it irritated him.

Your neighbour straightened up with a groan and turned to face you.
"What Y/N?" He asked, frowning at your 'innocent' smile.
"Why? Do you not want to get a cab home with your good friend?" You retorted, grabbing his coat from the rack near the door and waving it out in front of him enticingly. As though you were trying to tempt a dog with a bone.

"Since when was I your good old friend?" You rolled your eyes but handed him his coat all the same when he neared you. He shook his head, dismissing his previous comment.
"Actually, don't bother answering that."

You gave him a mock salute and stood to attention.
"Sir yes sir." He scowled.
"Oh yes, that reminds me Y/N. John is coming over tomorrow to see if he is interested in sharing the flat with me. I don't suppose you have any objections do you?" The disbelief plastered on your face must have been obvious as Sherlock let out a deep chuckle.

You composed yourself and raised an eyebrow.
"You actually found a friend?" Sherlock thought for a second and then, as he opened the door, nodded.
"Yes. I think I might have done." He left the room without another word, leaving you alone in it, your mouth still hanging open in confusion.

Sherlock Holmes was certainly full of surprises.

Ayup guys, I hope that was alright. Over 1500 words! Mother, are you proud yet? XD anyways I've nothing much else to say so I guess I'll see ya soon. Baiiii for now-L

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