Chapter Seven: Rewind time

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Ayup guys, so I've finally decided to update. I really do owe you all a long update to make up for being pretty quiet for several days. Anyways, this chapter will probably be as short as the others because it's mainly just a filler. Let's begin :)
Your POV
A few days later and you were allowed to return home. Your parents (as always, feel free to change if) of course had been worried sick but once you'd cleared up matters they had seemed more relaxed with the situation.

You swung open the front door and bent down to greet Eílis immediately. The dog wagged her tail excitedly when she saw you back again and leapt up knocking you backwards. Once she'd settled down you were instructed to go to you room and rest.

It wasn't ideal but by this point you were exhausted and ready to do anything. Somehow you had persuaded your parents to let you go to school the next day. Not because you enjoyed it but you felt the need to see Jim. Plus it would be a surprise for him.

Night closed in on the small town and bright stars light up the black sky. You reached up and closed the curtains, ready to sleep. Silence filled the house as you slipped into oblivion.

-time skip-

You awoke earlier than usual so turned the alarm off meaning that it wouldn't be set off suddenly. Gloomy clouds floated dreamily above your house, almost as though they were merely taking in the sight of all the tiny toy like buildings below.

Eílis ran into your room, tugging at your pyjamas. You rolled your eyes at her greedy behaviour and followed her downstairs into the kitchen. The familiar sound of you dad rustling the morning newspaper and your mum humming to a tune on the radio alerted you to the fact that they were already awake.

Both of them beamed at you as you shook some cereal into a bowl. Your dad put down his newspaper in order to speak.
"We understand that you want to see Jim but if at any point during the day you feel light headed, shivery, sick or anything at all make sure you tell the nurse or member of staff so that they can help you. Your mother and I are staying at home just in case there are any problems."

You sighed impatiently and nodded half heartedly.
"Yeah, I know. By the way, have either of you fed Eílis yet? She seems pretty hungry." Your mum shook her head.
"We can't, she has a vet appointment later on today. You know, about some bloating issues."

You rubbed behind your dog's ear and soothed her a little. The clock outside in the hall struck 8:00am. Hurriedly, you gathered your school things together and ran out of the door towards the school bus.

The journey was relatively short so you didn't spend long with the people on there. Jim was leaning against a wall and watching various students as they walked past him.

A few of them would spit in his direction, others aim a kick whilst some would stay away and not go near him. You jogged over to him fairly quickly and waved your hand under his nose. He looked up startled and raised an eyebrow, obviously questioning why you were there. Your suspicions were confirmed when he opened his mouth to speak.

"Why are you here?" The sound of cheering rose next to the doors, momentarily distracting you.
"Well you know, just thought I'd drop by." He frowned but shook whatever thoughts he'd been having away,
"Whatever, at least I have someone to talk to." You gave a mocking curtesy and put on a high squeaky girly voice.
"But of course sir. After all; I own you."

A smirk cracked along Jim's face before turning into a full smile.
"Glad to see you remembered. I own you."

The bell rang behind the pair of you so you spun round and started to head towards the doors. Jim followed you closely, looking round every so often. Maybe things would be okay between you.

They might just be

A/N ayup guys, I know it's kinda short and pretty bad but I hope you enjoyed it none the less. Anyways, I'll see ya soon. Baiiiii-L :)

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