Chapter Nine: Not what I intended

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Ayup guys I haven't got anything much to report other than the fact that I'll soon be finishing Sherlock imagines book so if you have been reading it and didn't get the message you know now. Now that's out of the way let's continue :)
Your POV
You hurried after Jim through the winding streets. After a few minutes the area became familiar to you; it hadn't been that long ago that you'd been running down the road to ask Jim's aunt if she knew where he was.

His house came into sight fairly quickly, the fading blue door slowly beginning to blend in with the homes around it. None of the lights were on and the curtains inside were closed, giving no sign of life. You shot Jim a questioning look.
"Is your Aunt not in?" He shook his head.
"At work I think." You nodded and whipped out your phone.

Once you'd scrolled down a few pages you reached your Mum's (I'm British btw just in case you were wondering) contact and selected it. The sound of ringing filled the space around you as you waited for her to pick up. After three rings she did.
"Hi sweetie! What's up?"
"Nothing's wrong-" you said quickly to erase any doubt from her mind "-I was just going to tell you that I'm at Jim's so I might not be home for a while." There was a few seconds of silence at the other end.
"Well okay honey, as long as you're safe." You rolled your eyes at her typical worried mother voice.
"Of course I'll be fine, I'll see you later. Bye!"

You hung up and turned back to Jim who was looking at you with an amused expression plastered across his face.
"What?" You asked, genuinely confused. He chuckled slightly but didn't reply. Instead he fished his keys out of his coat pocket and shoved the correct one into the lock.

The door made a clicking sound before swinging open. Jim held it for you as you walked over the threshold and into the house. Piles of mail and old newspapers were spread across surface after surface. Faded photos hung half-heartedly from the walls, as though they'd had enough of merely sitting in one place and wanted to leave.

A world map that was stuck with pins has pieces of thread all joined together creating some kind of misshapen circle. Attached to each pin was a date written in Jim's loopy handwriting. Pictures were also stuck to this map, full different events happening. The one thing that remained the same in each photo were the people. A man and a woman were in every single one, whether laughing, dancing, drinking or eating they were there right at the centre.

Jim saw you staring fixedly at the map and blushed, trying to distract you from it. You ignored his desperate attempts and instead peered more closely at the couple. Slowly it dawned on you who they were.

"Jim...are these your parents?" He scowled at the happy pair and nodded.
"Yeah, I've um-been trying to find them." You gazed in awe at all of his hard work but then frowned.
"If you want to find them so badly why don't you just ask your Aunt? I bet she'll know where they are." Jim let out a disappointed sigh and sat down on the sofa, still glaring at his parents in the pictures.
"I've been trying. I'm almost certain she knows where they are but she won't tell me anything. Obviously, she doesn't like that I've been using the stalking method but it's either this way or she tells me and she's way too stubborn for her own good. Kind of like me I guess."

A moment of silence passed between both of you as you tried to imagine what it must be like for him without his parents. You didn't think you'd be able to live without something like that. He stood up after a few minutes and started to side step past you into the kitchen. At the against same time you took a step backwards and landed on top of him, your body twisting round at the sudden impact.

Something warm was touching your mouth and you realised just a little too late that it was Jim's lips. You looked up at him, your cheeks blushing furiously. His lips left yours and he grinned down at you mischievously.
"Well, I have to say, that's not what I intended."

A/N ayup guys, I hope you enjoyed that chapter, sorry it was a bit of a wait. Anyways that's all for now so I guess I'll see ya soon. Baiiiiiii-L

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