Chapter Eight: About time

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Ayup guys, I don't have much to say so I guess we can get straight into the next chapter. Hope you enjoy :)
Jim's POV
I wasn't surprised to learn that everyone in school had heard about what happened to Y/N. Of course, the details of it were changed so that she had 'rightfully' punched me in the chest and I retaliated by shoving her out into the cold and leaving her there to die. The clot heads had obviously missed a few of the crucial facts, such as the fact that I went with her to hospital, was worried sick about her and she had stated herself that the rumour wasn't true.

Plenty of dirty looks were thrown my way as people fussed over Y/N in a patronising, and in all honesty, disgusting way. My lessons weren't exactly pleasant but I struggled through all the same. If it wasn't for the supportive comments of
'I own you." from Y/N I probably wouldn't have survived past break time.

Luckily, she was there. Somehow the students were still refusing to except that Y/N was my friend, so more and more lies were being spread about how I had hypnotised or manipulated her. We both just kept our mouths shut so we wouldn't risk laughing out loud.

I sat down in my English seat; the final lesson of the day. It began badly. I stood up to get my book from the pile and went to sit down again, only to find that someone had moved the chair and I was plummeting towards the ground. The teacher said nothing and merely tutted her disapproval.

Chewing gum and wet pellets of paper were hurled at my head throughout the lesson. I was surprised in all honesty, it was usually much worse than that. Just as I was beginning to think that people were becoming bored of my repetitive abuse several pens flew across the room and hit me firmly in the back of the neck.

Once the bell rang I gathered my things up as quickly as humanly possible and rushed out of the door, keen to be outside before crowds of students were let out of their lessons.

As I ran full sprint out of the classroom I felt my feet go flying from under me as someone stuck their foot out and tripped me up. Once again Anderson's face was leering out at me menacingly.

At that moment Y/N rounded the corner and I'd never been happier to see anyone else in my life. She glanced up and noticed what was happening. With four long strides she had pushed herself through the throng of pupils and was shoving people away from me.

I stood and nodded in her direction to show my gratitude. Y/N winked and then turned to face the interested crowd, a scowl easily detectable on her face. Cautiously, everyone around us took a step back as she opened her mouth to speak. Worried whispers surged through the gathering, each muttering their opinions on the situation before them. Y/N's scowl deepened into a full on glare and I braced myself for the impact.

"SILENCE!" She roared and everyone gulped, "Good. From now on a new rule is to be put in place. Anyone who punches, kicks, slaps or abuses Jim here in any way will have me to answer to. Is that understood?"

A few murmurs of uncertainty passed through the students. Anderson (who'd been shoved to one side) spoke up, once again causing the IQ level in the hallway to plummet. Teachers were starting to peer out of their classrooms to see why the majority of the school weren't going home.

Anderson paid no attention to them and spoke out in a loud irritating voice.
"Since when did we take orders from you? How exactly are you planning to stop us from hurting this idiot." At this I perked up a little bit. No one had ever really called me a idiot before, it was usually 'thing' or 'waste of oxygen'. It made me slightly pleased that I'd been upgraded.

Y/N looked him dead in the eye said in a calm but dangerous voice:
"I just so happen to have a black belt in karate and could knock you out within seconds. Does anyone want to test that?" Nobody moved and Y/N gave them a sickly sweet smile.
"That's sorted then. NOW GO AWAY!"

I grinned at the sudden burst of movement as everyone hurried to get out of Y/N's reach. Y/N grabbed my hand and tugged me out of the school doors. We had walked a fair distance from the building before we couldn't hold it in anymore and began spluttering and laughing like manics at what had just happened.

A few minutes later we had both calmed down and I looked over at her.
"You seriously can't keep wading in to fish me out of deep water. I have no way of repaying you." She chuckled at my metaphor but her face soon returned to it's serious expression.
"Why not? We're friends and you said we should do the whole 'I own you' thing. Is this not a part of it?" The question wasn't one she wanted me to answer, so I didn't, knowing I'd lost this round.

"Okay fine, at least come round to mine for a bit. That way I'll feel like I've thanked you, even if it's only a tiny amount."
Y/N agreed happily enough and we headed in the direction of my house, pleased to leave behind the worries and stress of school.

A/N Okay guys, I know this is really late and my only excuse is procrastination. I'm not even sure why I kept putting this off but to make it up you will have just enjoyed an especially long chapter (hopefully). So anyways, I'll see ya soon. Baiiiiii-L

(Sorry again)

Jim Moriarty: I. Own. You.  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now