Chapter Five: Back to square one

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Ayup guys, sorry it's been so long but I had a bit of writers block. Let's just put that behind us and continue from where we left off 😅
Your POV
You stared up at Molly in dismay before leaping to your feet and dashing out of the door after Jim. He was a pretty fast runner and had disappeared before you had time to process what had happened. Molly called after you, telling you that it was 'good riddance to bad rubbish.'

You stalked angrily back into the house and shot a glare at her.
"I think you should leave." Molly raised an eyebrow.
"What's with the attitude? Seriously Y/N, I've done you a big favour by getting rid of the guy. No one likes him so there's no reason why you should." You let out an angry breath and met her eye again.
"What do you actually know about him?"

Her face paled slightly but it was soon replaced with her usual calm expression.
"I don't want to or need to know about him and neither do you. Come on Y/N, you weren't like this when you first arrived like two days ago. I prefer the old you." You stared at her hard.
"I think you should leave." Molly rolled her eyes but left all the same, slamming the door behind her.

You looked back at the chaotic living room. A chair had been pushed out of the way as Jim had run through. Unfortunately he had left nothing behind so you wouldn't be able to go find him and at least pretend you have a reason to see him. You had been so stupid.

The clock on the wall struck 6pm and you looked outside at the greying skies. If Jim was still out there he might be cold. Or perhaps he'd just gone home. You sighed loudly as the front door opened and in walked your seemingly way too happy parents. You pushed past them telling them you were skipping tea; you were too tired. They asked what was wrong but you just shook your head and ran into you room.
When you awoke the next morning the house was silent. You suspected that your dad was at work per usual and your mum was either out shopping or helping at the retirement home. Your suspicions were confirmed by a note stuck to the fridge that you saw once you were dressed and ready for school that day.

Hi Y/N, as we didn't want to wake you earlier then you needed to be I'm leaving this note to tell you that you father has gone to work (as you probably guessed) and I've been asked to help out at the Primary School down the road ready for their school fair at the weekend. As we're both quite busy we might be home later than usual. Anyway, hope you have a good day at school and work hard. See you tonight- Mum xxx

You laughed at her seemingly comic note and momentarily forgot the troubles of yesterday. However once the bus arrived to take you to school the events of the previous day came back to you in a flood, trying to persuade you to skip school again. You ignored it and continued to get on.

People on the bus seemed pretty relaxed with you so you guessed either they hadn't heard that you'd run off with the school's victim or a rumour had been spread about what had happened afterwards.

It turned out that Molly hadn't wanted her friend to be bothered by many people so had told everyone that once you'd taken Jim away from the school you had beaten him black and blue and then left him in the street. You saw Jim in the corridor being hassled by a number of students but before you could do anything a bunch of doll-like girls arrived and lead you away from the scene to talk about fashion and make up. All the stereotypical teenage girl things.

You didn't get a chance to talk to Jim once and in last period watched in horror as he ran out of the school building and down the street. The reason for his behaviour was explained about a minute or so later when a gang of boys in the year above you also ran out of the building whilst being yelled at by teachers to come back.

Thankfully the bell rang and you rushed out of your seat before the words 'Goodbye' had left the teacher's mouth. You ignored the complaints of the other pupils as you zigzagged between them, pushing through to get to the door. Finally, the scent of fresh air hit your face and you were outside.

Not wanting to waste any time, you hurried away to where you though Jim's house was. No doubt he'd gone there. It took around half an hour to get there and when you arrived you were thoroughly out of breath. Once you were breathing at a normal rate you raised your fist and knocked sharply on the door. A petite woman came out from a room and looked up at you.
"Uh-hello, can I um-help you?" You nodded frantically.
"Yes, hi, is Jim in?" The woman frowned for a second.
"Jim? Oh, you mean James. No I'm sorry, he isn't back yet. Do you want to leave a message for him." You sighed and looked back down the road at the way you had come.
"No, thank you but it'd be better if I told him in person. Actually, can I give you my number? If he comes back give me a call so I can talk to him." She nodded and walked back into the hallway to get paper and a pen. She came back and wrote down your number. You thanked her for her time and she closed the door. You spun round and started walking back down the street towards you house.

Two hours later you were becoming increasingly worried. Suddenly, the telephone rang in the hall. You knew it wouldn't be your mother or father because you mum had rung only half an hour easier saying that she was due to be back at 9pm but your dad might be home by 7pm. You hastily checked the time as you ran to answer the phone. 5:30pm.

It was the woman, or as she later told you, Jim's aunt. His parents were hardly around so she looked after him when they were gone. You picked up the phone and crushed it against your ear.
"Hello Y/N, uh-James isn't back yet. Do you know where he might have gone?" You felt your face go pale and your breathing quicken.
"No I-I don't. Sorry, I have to g-go."

You put the receiver down quickly and leant against the sideboard, trying to get your breath back to normal. Where could he be? Determined to find him, you pulled on a hoodie and shoes then grabbed your phone and keys. You were out the front door within 5 minutes.

Cold air hit you square in the face but you couldn't and didn't want to waste anymore time finding warmer clothes. You set off through various streets searching his favourite spots to hide, wishing you could turn back time.
Night had descended on the city, bringing bright stars with it. Lights from skyscrapers, houses and shops splashed puddles of the warm yellow glow onto the slightly damp pavement. You tugged your coat tighter around your body and glanced behind you at the quiet street.

It was around 10pm and you knew your parents would be frantic trying to find you. Jim had not returned though. You had phoned his aunt, telling her to keep you updated and to not tell anyone where you were and what you were doing.

Without concentrating you walked into a brick wall that towered above your head. It had probably been part of a building once but now it was just a singular wall, covered in graffiti and swear words. You rubbed your head and took a step back to look at it.

A long line of words caught your eye and you read them out loud.
"Alone is all I have." This had to be a sign, maybe it was Jim's work. It certainly looked like his handwriting. A wave of something it you. It wasn't quite nausea. You realised how cold it was and how much your teeth were chattering. You held up your shaking fingers and saw their alarming blue tinge.

Weakness overcame you and felt yourself falling backwards towards the ground. Your head collided roughly with the concrete floor, darkening your vision. Voices sounded in the distance. No wait, it's not. Your thoughts wandered aimlessly around as you tried to work out how many voices there were. One. You decided. There's only one.

Your eyes closed fully and you felt yourself dip out of consciousness. A pair of hands touched your face but you couldn't respond to their questions. Instead you allowed yourself to sleep. I'll just have a quick nap, then I can talk to you.

A/N ayup guys, I'm sorry about the huge gap in my updating. To compromise I have just created this seemingly massive chapter. It might not be as long as some peoples but hey, I'm not that good of a writer. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll try and update very soon. Baiiii-L

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