Chapter Eleven: I'd come back and haunt you

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Your POV
You left for school earlier than usual, therefore arriving way before Jim. When you realised he wouldn't be there for a while you headed inside. Hardly anyone was about so you wandered the halls, looking for something to do before classes  would begin.

A few would look your way as you passed them, trying to interest you in whatever stupid idea they had planned. Just as you were considering going back outside to wait for Jim you saw a familiar figure at the end of the corridor. Molly.

You hadn't really spoken to her since the incident with Jim but you felt as though you should try and make up. She noticed you and immediately wheeled round the other way, disappearing almost instantly. Luckily you were a fast runner so found it easy to keep up with her.

She gasped as you grabbed her hand and pulled her into an empty classroom.
"What the hell Y/N! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" You sighed quietly and glanced around to make sure no one was listening in.
"No look, I'm sorry. I just wanted us to start again. We didn't really make it work before."

Molly smiled slightly to herself.
"I suppose if you really want to try..." You grinned and hugged her tightly.
"Thanks Mol. I've got to go but I'll come find you at lunch okay?" She nodded, watching as you ran from the classroom in order to find Jim.

Jim's POV
I looked around the front of school to see if Y/N was waiting for me. Nope. She wasn't in sight so I walked briskly into the building. Everyone was ignoring me which was in truth a great start to the day.

Without warning I was falling backwards. I realised that it was Y/N who had run into me at full force, knocking me completely off my feet. She helped me back up with a sheepish smile on her face making me scowl.
"Nice to see you too." I muttered. She grinned at me.
"I own yoooou!" A few people turned to look at us so I dragged her away from the crowds.

"Seriously? In front of everyone? Have you no sense of self-consciousness?" Y/N rolled her eyes at me.
"Are you going to say it back or do we need to take back the whole handshake business?" I glared at her.
"You're lucky I haven't throttled you yet. I own you too."
"That's better!"

The bell ran above our heads so we started walking to our first lesson.
"Don't go anywhere at break, I've got something important to tell you."

Your POV

You hurried from Science to the dining hall, anxious to hear what Jim's news was. You found him waiting at the table that you usually sat at, tapping his fingers on the plastic like wood. He raised his head when he saw you coming and motioned for you to sit next him.

"What took you?" You paused, still gasping for breath.
"Sorry-our-teacher wouldn't-let us out. Had-to-leg it-all the-way-here." Jim laughed.
"Didn't know that could make you out of breath." You shot him a glare.

"So anyways, leaving my appalling physical health aside, what did you want to tell me?" He inhaled deeply.
" is very important...the most important-" you cut him off.
"Just hurry up before I skin you alive."
"I was about to but you interrupted me!" You shrugged.

Jim fake punched you in the arm before continuing.
"As I was saying, I've found my parents!"


"Y/N? Isn't it good news?"


"Are you okay? Did I accidentally shock you to death?" You shook your head in disbelief.
"How did you find them?" He tapped his nose.
"That's not important, what is important is that I'm leaving."

You dropped your cutlery onto the floor.
"What?" Jim sighed and rubbed his face with his hand.
"You heard what I said. I'm leaving, I'm going to live with my parents! Isn't it amazing?" Jim's eyes were sparkling, his hands making wild gestures.

You nodded and forced out a smile.
"That's great. Seriously, it is amazing." Jim gave you another grin and began frantically listing off all the things he was gonna do now he'd found his parents, the places they'd go etc. In all honesty though, you were finding it a bit hard to comprehend. Jim was leaving. As in actually moving on. Crap.

"Are you sure you're okay Y/N?" He asked nervously.
"I'm fine-" you smiled and flicked his nose, "-but don't you dare forget about me." Jim smirked.
"Why? What you could possibly do?"

You pondered this for a second before deciding.
"I could kill you." You suggested.
"Not if I kill you first." Jim countered almost immediately. You sighed dramatically and leaned towards him.

"Then I'd just come back and haunt you."


Ayup guys (haven't done that in a while). Yes it's true, after like two or three months of silence I am finally making a comeback. Incredibly underwhelming I'm sure but I felt as though it was time to stop procrastinating and get a move on with this.

I imagine that I'll hit more bumps along the road but for now let's just be glad that I have actually started uploading again. This also means I can change the title and get rid of the
'Discontinued for now' *yay*

I'll try and publish more frequently but knowing me it'll end up being once a week. I am also currently writing a Sherlock Preferences thing if that interests you. Now all that's left to do is to get back into the swing of updating.

So I guess it's time for that all familiar baiiiii for now (but remember, I am returning, even if it is slowly but surely)-L

Jim Moriarty: I. Own. You.  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now