Chapter Fifteen: Poolside Escapades

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After your 'conversation' with Jim, you'd gone back to the flat to once again gaze around in misery at your unsatisfactory life. Sherlock and John had arrived back at 221b not long after you but without a quick knock on the door to see how you were. Not long ago you'd heard them on the phone talking to someone.

You listened closely, opening the door to your apartment a crack in order to eavesdrop more effectively. Sherlock and John's flat door was wide open so you were able to hear what they were saying quite clearly.
"Now tell us exactly where you are." Came Sherlock's voice booming down the hall. Whatever the reply was you didn't hear as the phone wasn't on loudspeaker.

With as much focus as you could, you strained to understand the remains of the conversation but to no avail. Sherlock then switched over to Lestrade's phone, telling him all that the bomb victim had told him. You breathed out a small sigh of relief that the person was saved and pushed to door closed again.

Over the next few days Sherlock and John had more phone calls. All with a number of pips, the number counting down and a picture of something. During this time you'd ignored what they were doing and focused on finding and talking to Jim.

Molly's description on how they had come to be in a romantic relationship was a little sketchy. She herself seemed unsure on a few of the details. From what you could piece together however, was that Molly had been visiting IT to see if you were up there and when she didn't locate you had turned around and almost bumped into Jim.

There'd obviously been some awkwardness between them both for the first few hours of catching up. Then Jim had randomly asked her out for a coffee. Molly, blinded by Jim's new attractiveness (not that you were disagreeing with her) and the fact that she felt guilty for being mean to him at school had agreed. According to Molly, 'things just went on from there.'

Alas no more, as Sherlock had rudely deduced Jim's sexuality: gay, and there was really no evidence to suggest otherwise. In order to help Molly out and be a good friend, you pointed out that he could be bisexual or pansexual. There were many different sexualities after all. Sherlock would have none of it and just batted your idea away instantly.

You leant forwards on your hands towards your friend as one last ditch effort to get information out of her.
"Where does he live?" She looked at you strangely, taking a sip of the tea she'd ordered earlier. The noise of the cafe stopped anyone else from over hearing the conversation. Not that it was anything suspicious but there was a feeling in the back of your mind. And not a good one but a nervous one, as though you were being watched.

"He didn't tell you? I thought you'd both be anxious to catch up on all the time together you've missed." Her voice cut through your thoughts and you were jolted back into reality. Her tone wasn't unkind but there was a sense of disbelief in it. As though she was unable comprehend that Jim would just ignore you.

"No he didn't, he er-was busy so had to go back to the office." Molly nodded her head slowly but it was obvious she didn't believe a word you'd just said. Nevertheless she gave you the address which you wrote down with great care. You thanked her and left the cafe with a quick wave.

Once Molly was out of sight, you turned your attention to the task at hand; talking to Jim. You arrived at the house after ten minutes of walking and double check the address. With a heavy sigh you raised your hand and knocked softly on the door. At first there was no reply or any sound of footsteps. Then the door opened with a click and Jim was stood before you.

He didn't look up at first as he was on the phone.
"Yes Seb I heard you. I know he's solved it he sent me an email. Pool tonight...yeah midnight. What? I'm clever, I think ahead. Don't patronise me just do it." You frowned at this seemingly cryptic conversation and waited patiently for him to actually look up.

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