As silly as it may sound, I thought there was a slight chance that Levi was being serious. I thought there was a glimmer of hope that maybe it wasn't some plot to embarrass me or some plan to 'bag' or 'lay me'----whatever you want to call it. But my fears were realized when I never talked to him after that. I saw him though. And I know he saw me too. Mack was right from the gecko, I was replaceable.
By the third week of school, I became one of the victims of the school locker combination prank. Some idiot decided it would be hilarious to switch peoples locks.
I entered my combination, but the locker wouldn't open. I tried again and again. Great, in just half a day, I've had my locks changed three times by some idiot playin' jokes. How is it that the principal continues to let this happen? What happened to stayin' on top of problems and getting them solved immediately?
"Fuckin' great," I mumbled.
"Still having problems?" Mack asked as she approached me. She stood to the left of me.
"Someone needs to stand guard by my locker. This is fuckin' ridiculous," I spat out. " I can't even go to one class and come back to a lock that hasn't been changed."
"I wonder whose doing it."
I pulled on the locker handle roughly, hopin' it would just open. Again, nothin' happens.
"There's no point Emme."
I banged my head against the locker. "I need my Art stuff."
"You can borrow mine."
What good would borrowing her stuff do? Today in class, we were working on a pastel painting and I left my sketching book in my locker.
"Maybe Levi knows what's going on. You should try askin' him," Mack suggested.
I whirled around and leaned against my locker. I held the strap of my bag tightly, "No thanks."
"Still haven't heard from him?"
"Not one word," I told her.
"What a dick."
The word 'dick' seemed to be too nice of a word. Hmph.
"Forget about him."
"Already forgotten." I said, unaffected.
"So there is a party on Friday. What do you say?"
"Whose party?" I asked her.
A slow smile crept across Mack's face, "Brian Dermot. He's the captain of the basketball team."
"How'd you manage to get invited to that?" Mack didn't seem like the type of girl that were friends with the Jocks. Just in two weeks of being at this school, I think I've heard her diss more Jocks then any other clique here.
"Bribed my older brother," she shrugged. "He's in grade 12 and is tight with Brian. I asked him to put us on the list in exchange for doing his chores for a month."
Figures. Guys would do anything to get out of chores.
"I guess I could ask if I could go."
"Strict parents?" she asked.
"I guess you can say that." I don't know how Jake and Carol would respond.
"Do whatever you got to do to go."
I nodded. "I'll see what I can do."
I didn't think they'd even let me after how I've been acting the past two weeks. I haven't been the friendliest. I haven't tried to get to know them and I haven't given them the opportunity to get to know me either.

Foster Me: Emerson's Secret (ON GOING)
Teen FictionMy name is Emerson Mitchell. It's the name that is printed in black ink on my birth certificate. I don't know if I was named after a relative or if my biological parents stumbled upon the name in a baby book one day. I don't know much about my life...