I sighed into the phone. Levi.
"We need to talk, Emme." He sounded awful. "I fucked up."
Mack mouthed, "What's wrong?"
"It's fine," I mouthed back. I stood up from the blanket and walked over to the waters edge. "I don't want to talk anymore. I'm done talking."
"You don't mean that."
"But I do." I said. "This isn't fun for me." I digged my toes into the sand.
The line went quiet for a few moments before he found more words to say. "Can I come over? I'd rather we talk about this face to face."
"If you want to spend time with Jake and Carol, go for it." Their both probably at home by now.
"Emme, I need to see you," he said, his voice desperate.
Before I could answer back, it all happened in a flash. Mack was by my side and took the phone from me. She pressed it against her ear and ran off with it.
"Give it back!" I chased after her. I needed that phone! How will I make Levi feel like crap without it?!
She ignored me and continued to run around. We ran around in circles and no matter how close I got to her, it wasn't nearly enough.
Mack spoke into the phone, "Whose this? Oh hi Levi.---- Yeah, she's with me and some of my friends.----No no not Derek. Joel, Layla, Katrina, Emmet and Jacob, you probably don't know them--"
"Give it back!" I yelled again.
"We're at the beach," Mack continued to say on the phone. "Kitsilano Beach. ------Come by."
No! Don't invite him!
I stopped chasing after her. There was no point now. The damage was already done. Breathing heavily I placed my hands on my thighs and leaned forward.
"Ok, see you in a bit." Mack hung up then glanced over at me. "He's on his way." She walked over to me and placed the phone in my hand. She grimaced, "Isn't this exciting?!"
"How much wine is there left?" I asked, straightening my back.
"Guessin' half a bottle probably."
"I call dibs."
The plan was to drink as much as humanly possible by the time he showed. So as soon as my hands caressed the wine bottle, everything changed. I wasn't going to be the responsible one looking out for Mack and her friends. Instead, I wanted to be the reckless one. I wanted to numb my discomfort and this was the only way I knew how.
I tossed the finished bottle of the wine to the side and undressed, leaving only my bra and underwear on. I collapsed on the sand then flipped onto my back, giggling. I outstretched my arms and legs, "Sand angels!" my words slurred.
"A fuckin' hot half naked, angel." Joel took a bite of his sandwich, gawking.. "I didn't think she was that hot undressed."
"Lay off Joel," Katrina said . "You stand no chance."
Joel took another bite from his sandwich.
"I wanna swim." I jumped up from the ground and was about to dart into the water when I fell onto the sand again. "Oppsie."
"Someone needs to seriously record this shit. Next thing you know she may actually get naked." Jacob laughed and the other boys joined it.
Mack got up from the blanket and sighed, "I'll get her."

Foster Me: Emerson's Secret (ON GOING)
Teen FictionMy name is Emerson Mitchell. It's the name that is printed in black ink on my birth certificate. I don't know if I was named after a relative or if my biological parents stumbled upon the name in a baby book one day. I don't know much about my life...