I bolted up the stairs after my class, dodging other students as they went their way.
Gonna be late. Gonna be late.
"Emme! Didn't you hear me?" Mack caught up to me, jogging beside me. "Hello! Earth to Emerson!"
I looked to the right. "Oh hey." I slowed down.
"Levi's looking for you."
"Ok, so?"
A curious flicker crossed her face, "Aren't you the teeniest bit interested to know what he wants?"
"No," I said. He'd just take the opportunity to come up with some more excuses about why he said what he did to Aaron.
"Oh come on! Maybe he wants to ask you out." Mack said with excitement in her eyes. "You gotta say yes!"
"No," I said flatly. I wasn't going to say yes.
"Why the hell not?" Mack demanded, her voice raising.
It freaked me out.
"Oh." I scratched the back of my neck, "Because I don't like him enough to want to date him."
Even if I wanted to say yes which...I don't know exactly how I would answer him if he did ask me---dating or classifying what we are to one another would only complicate things. I don't want to have a title that forever puts me in some category. Girlfriend...Fiancee. It would be really awkward for it to not work out then have to come back to some high school reunion and have to explain to everyone when they say, "oh your levi's girl," that we aren't together no more. If I've going to be remembered for one thing, I want to be remembered as the girl, Emerson, who continued to fight for a place to belong.
"I'd go out with him even if I didn't like him."
"Idiot," a voice in my head says.
I bit my lip, Mack obviously didn't think about what she was saying before she said that. Her words reeked desperation and pure stupidity. "I wouldn't though. If I'm gonna go out with someone, I want to actually like them. Not lead them on and go on a date for the hell of it."
"You should at least give the boy a chance."
I shook my head and looked down at the books in my hand. "Shit," I cursed. "Wrong binder."
Dammit! Now I was going to be late for sure.
"I'll catch you later Mack but I really gotta--" I took a step back and nearly tripped over my own two feet when I bumped into something rock solid.
I whirled around, "Omg I'm so---"
"It's fine." Levi laughed, putting his hands on my shoulders to steady myself. I would have toppled over had he not held on.
Great. Now I was really, really gonna be late to class.
I pushed his hands off my shoulder. "You need to stop following me."
"I wouldn't have to if you would just talk to me," he reminds me.
"Can't take a hint?" I snapped, gritting my teeth. This kid just doesn't get it. He's never gonna be open with me so what's the fuckin' point.
Mack cleared her throat, "What I think Emme meant to say was that she's got class. Right, Emme?"
I glared at Mack. I wouldn't put it that nicely. And I wouldn't even talk to him if I had the time either.

Foster Me: Emerson's Secret (ON GOING)
Teen FictionMy name is Emerson Mitchell. It's the name that is printed in black ink on my birth certificate. I don't know if I was named after a relative or if my biological parents stumbled upon the name in a baby book one day. I don't know much about my life...