I asked Levi to elaborate on the death of that little girl but he wouldn't. It would have been nice to know more but I wasn't going to press him about it.
When we got back to Levi's home the party was still going on. There were more partygoers then there were when we had left. My ears perked up when a sudden loud rock song began to play. It just had to be something by Metallica.
Levi put an arm around my shoulders and squeezed. "What do you say we send everybody on their way? We can watch a movie."
"There is still a lot to clean up before we even get to a movie."
"Best we send them off now."
It took us a good hour and 40 minutes to collect the garbage then clean the house thoroughly. We couldn't chance having one thing out of its regular location. Trenton Jacobs should not be given a reason to blow up at anyone.
Levi closed the blinds and turned off the lights in the living room. He put in "A Night At The Roxbury" in the VCR and while the previews were playing we made some popcorn.
We had candy spread out on the table in front of us and a bowl of popcorn between us.
I tossed a few popcorn kernels and each time they came nowhere near his mouth.
"Better aim. I'm a hungry man."
"Use your hands, idiot." I can't help that I have poor aim. I spent my childhood picking locks not wasting perfectly good food in a tossing contest.
Levi popped a handful in his mouth.
"So I like your mom. She seems nice, a little over her head with your dad though." I said.
"She puts up with him."
"Isn't there always something couples have to put up with? The toilet seat being left up. Hair in the bathroom sink because males apparently have aerobatic hair."
"Aerobatic hair." He laughed. "My mom needs someone whose gonna treat her right. He's a cruel guy."
I hesitantly asked, "Abusive?"
"Nah, I wouldn't let her stay if he was. He's verbally abusive." Levi took a sip from his water bottle.
"How long have they been married?"
"6 years. Think they were married a year before they adopted me "
"First marriage for them both?"
"Naw my dad was married before. You've got a lot of questions for me tonight."
Would he rather we just stare at the tv watching lame previews? I'm sure he's seen the Toy Story movie trailers before. "Hphm, fine. I guess you don't want to hear what I know about your dad."
"Wait, what?"
"Oh so you do want to know." I teased.
"C'mon." Levi moved the popcorn bowl onto the table.
"Well your dad sorta fostered me before with a different woman. I'm surprised he doesn't remember me." I reached into the popcorn bowl and tossed a few kernels into my mouth. "He went by Trenton Beckers back then."
"That's his biological dads last name."
That would explain the name change.
"I was 10 and I lived with them for about a month. Not very long but I did like it for awhile. It uh was one of the better homes."
"Do you 'member the girl?"
"A young blonde girl. Her name started with a K." It was an unusual and hard name to remember. Kaija? Kalista? Kysa? "I can't remember her name exactly but your dad was incredibly mean to her. He never laid a hand on me but she took the blunt of his anger."
"Karielle, that's her name." His voice was almost like a whisper.
Karielle. It's not the hardest name to remember yet I could never when I was young. "You know about her."
"I know of her. They met in Stockholm. Her father owned this toilet paper company and my dad considered investing. They fell in love and we're together awhile."
"Did you know what happened to her?"
"She ended up goin' off an embankment."
She's dead. Now what are the chances Trenton-Jacobs Becker is responsible?
"Purposely or lost control?" I just had to ask.
"Lost control of the wheel in a sharp turn." He explained. "She died on impact."
"Levi, I don't remember her driving anywhere with me back then. I don'to remember her having a valid license." We'd have to wait till Trenton got home from work before we could go anywhere. He would drive us around.
Levi shrugged his shoulders, "Thats what he told me."
"He told you wrong then."
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Foster Me: Emerson's Secret (ON GOING)
Teen FictionMy name is Emerson Mitchell. It's the name that is printed in black ink on my birth certificate. I don't know if I was named after a relative or if my biological parents stumbled upon the name in a baby book one day. I don't know much about my life...