I pushed my way forward through the crowd. I wanted out of here. This wasn't fun anymore. It was fun when it was just Mack and I and now Levi has showed up. He ruined my mood. He ruined the slightest bit of happiness I was feeling.
I was about to walk out the front door when someone stepped in front of me.
"Hey! I know you!" a man said. He wore cargo shorts and a wrinkly white polo. His brown hair was tousled, thick, and curly. It oddly resembled a mop, hmph.
I raised an brow. "I don't know you," I thought to myself. I looked him up and down. Nothing about him seemed to trigger an 'oh yeah I know you' kind of reaction.
"You're that hot new girl!"
I rolled my eyes and didn't say a word. I maneuvered around him but was stopped dead in my tracks. Someone grabbed onto my wrist and kept me from leaving.
Kill me now.
I just knew Levi caught up to me. He must have followed me when I left in a rush. But I was wrong. It was the creepy idiot.. He grabbed my wrist! He put his clammy hands around my wrist and just manhandled me like a fuckin' toy.
"Don't fuckin' touch me," I warned, pulling my hand away.
"Relax, girl. Don't go all tactile defensive on me," he said.
"Don't fuckin' touch me. It's that simple."
"A girl like you needs and deserves to be touched by a real man."
Kill me now. No... seriously..
"Please stop talking," I thought to myself. "Only embarrassing yourself."
"I'm a real man," he grinned. I could smell the beer on his breath.
I kind of felt bad for the kid. If his pick up skills were this bad while intoxicated, I could only imagine his pick up lines being equally as bad when he wasn't. I guess it would explain why he isn't being danced around by girls and is literally camped out in front of the door.
"You enjoy your night," I chuckled and maneuvered around him.
My wrist was grabbed again.
"The fuck is wrong with you?!" I shrieked, yanking my arm back.
"Don't leave yet, the party is just getting started."
The party may have just started but I was totally over it. I just wanted to get out and get to Jake and Carol's place. At least there I can avoid stupidity.
"You enjoy the rest of it, kid." I said.
I called Jake and Carol once I was outside of the party just to let them know I was on my way. I would have asked if they could pick me up but I didn't want to disturb them. I didn't want to feel like a burden if they were doing something important. They could be doing some important paperwork. On the phone with a potential client. I didn't want to be a bother so I made a deal with myself...A bet I guess you can say, minus a prize being offered at the end. While I was here, I wasn't going to ask anything of them. I would do everything I need to on my own. The less they do for me... maybe the more they would want me?
I sat on the bench at the bus stop then pulled out a bunch of change I stuffed in my pocket earlier. I needed $1.75. I had just enough change to get on. I stuffed the money in my jacket pocket then zipped up the zipper.
I stuffed my hands in my jacket pocket and bounced my legs. 10 minutes passed and the bus still had yet to come.
A black car suddenly pulled up into the bus lane and stop. The brakes screeched as it came to a stop.

Foster Me: Emerson's Secret (ON GOING)
Roman pour AdolescentsMy name is Emerson Mitchell. It's the name that is printed in black ink on my birth certificate. I don't know if I was named after a relative or if my biological parents stumbled upon the name in a baby book one day. I don't know much about my life...