"Hey you!" I shouted, "Get your ass up!"
Some idiot was casually laying on Jake and Carol's lawn. Probably passed out after a wild night of boozing.
And no, it wasn't my party. I planned to suck up, not fuck up.
"Shh, I'm sleeping," the idiot grumbled.
I jerked back, startled to see him actually say a word. I thought for sure he was passed out. "Holy crap," I said. "Totally thought you were passed out."
"Something wrong with a guy being one with nature?" The idiot asked, sitting up straight. He then looked straight at me. The guy licked his lips as his eyes glided down my body, lingering at my legs
He was good looking. Had clearly had an amazing bod....Just lookin' at him my body stiffened. He had that mysterious bad boy vibe going for him. Disheveled dark brown hair; almost black looking and hazel eyes. A light stubble on his face and he was dressed in all black. He was a modern version of Danny Zuko.
Yes there really was. Especially when the guy is freakin' sleeping in the middle of somebody's lawn.
I huffed. "Do you even know who lives here?"
He looked over his shoulder at the house. " I know 'em "
Smirking, "Who does?"
He looked at me wearing a cocky smirk, "Jake and Carol who else."
Guess he does know them. "How you know them?" I asked, sitting down next to him.
"My buddies and I live around the block."
That surprises me. "You live in a gated community?"
"No. I live in the back of the gated community." He pulled out a blaze and flicked his lighter.
Was that suppose to be a joke?
"If you take the road all the way down to the end. Past the fence and take the path down, there's a shack there," he explained, taking a long drag.
"I see."
He exhaled a rush of smoke, "I'm already telling you where I live and I don't know your name. Somethin' is wrong with that."
"You didn't tell me yours either," I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest. Two way street.
"Well, the name's Aaron. What's yours?"
"Nice," he nodded. " Where you living at, Emerson?"
I pointed behind us at Jake and Carols house. "Which is why you really, really need to get out of here." I wasn't ready to be sent away. And if they wake up to see this guy, blazin' up on the lawn, they'd think it was all my doing. They'd probably assume I had that party last night when I promised I wouldn't. "So," I said, "You should go."
"Wait a minute," Aaron cocked his head to the side, " are you the niece or something?"
Not exactly.I nudged him, "Ok you need to go. Like now."
The corners of his mouth turned up, "Oh come on. What about if I get rid of the weed? Will you let me stick around then?"
I've got nothing against the weed. Hell, I've done weed before but I can't have him on the lawn blazin' up. It would look bad so...
"Okay. If you can put away the weed, I guess----we can talk."
I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. I rested my chin on my knee cap.

Foster Me: Emerson's Secret (ON GOING)
Teen FictionMy name is Emerson Mitchell. It's the name that is printed in black ink on my birth certificate. I don't know if I was named after a relative or if my biological parents stumbled upon the name in a baby book one day. I don't know much about my life...