Something bad must have happened. I can't imagine Levi being mad at Amber just for the hell of it. You know the kind of mad where you're jokingly mad at them. They sharpen a pencil for you and in turn you start cussing them out. Or they poke you and you say that you 'hate them'
When we've talked about Amber he's only ever said good things. She's a good girl. She shouldn't be talked about like she's crap.
I wanted to know what happened. Everyone that I passed in the hallways too whispered their desires to know what's happened. It became the talk of the school and everyone kinda of felt a sense of entitlement to know what the fuck happened. As if the news would directly impact them. I wanted to know too I just didn't want to know as badly as the rest of em'. And--- it would be kinda hypocritical of me to ask about it when I made such a big stink about Levi trying to interfere in Derek and Amber's business. I'd be a hypocrite
The second last block of the day bell sounded. I had one minute to get to my Art class. I dashed to class. Luckily I had dropped off my books and sketch pad earlier in the morning so I wouldn't have to quickly shuffle back to my locker before class would start. It makes it alot easier and my arms of course are extremely grateful.
Mr. Richards took attendance at the start of class then instructed us to continue to work on our in-class projects. He gave little instruction, only reminding us that our first project was due tomorrow. Mine would be done within' the hour.
15 minutes into the block, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and looked down at the screen. I got a text from an unknown number. I opened up the message.
It's Amber. Can you meet me by the north stairwell?
I texted back.
How'd you get this number?
Amber shot back
Besides the point. Meet you there.
Did I really have a choice now to bail on her? No. Did I want to speak with her? Absolutely not. Could this be about Levi? Most likely and that's the only reason why I'm going to meet her. It could be important.
I got the hall pass from Mr. Richards and left, making my way to the north stairwell. It was all the way across the school, but I didn't mind. I needed to process things out alittle. For all I know, this could be a trap. Amber might have a few plastics with her and the first chance they get, they might jump me or somethin' Or this could be about Levi. Either way, I don't know what will happen. I'm just playin' all possible scenarios out in my head.
I arrived at the north stairwell and sure enough Amber was there waiting. My breath caught. She was sitting on the bottom step. No plastics in sight.
"Hi." I was relieved that she didn't bring the plastics with her.
Amber looked up from her phone."Emerson, right?"
I nodded. I've seen this girl more than once. We've talked---bare minimum of course but cuz Levi was around we talked. At this point she should be able to put a face to a name.
I crossed my arms over my chest, "Anyways, what's this about? I need to get back to class soon." I'd choose being stuck in class over talking to Amber any day.
"Obviously Levi. Why else would we be talking?"
She had a point there. I didn't know the girl very well but I can't picture myself ever going to her for a chit chat. "Well?" I tried hard to seem like I didn't care. I cocked a brow and pursed my lips.

Foster Me: Emerson's Secret (ON GOING)
أدب المراهقينMy name is Emerson Mitchell. It's the name that is printed in black ink on my birth certificate. I don't know if I was named after a relative or if my biological parents stumbled upon the name in a baby book one day. I don't know much about my life...