"Well?" Levi looked back and forth at Ryder and I.
"It's nothin'." I mumbled. "And I should really be getting to class now so I'll--"
"Sit down, Emme," Levi commanded, his voice startling.
What the hell?
I swallowed, my eyes popping out. I'd never seen him like this. So angry so frightening. It freaked me out. I took a step back not sure of what he was capable of doing right now.
Levi recognized I was a bit uneasy and he repeated in a calm, relaxed voice. "Please just sit down."
I let out a bitter sigh and went to sit down on the bottom step. I buried my face in my hands. I was going to be in so much trouble with Mr. Richards.
"Listen man," Ryder said. "When I got here, Emerson was on the floor and Amber had her fist in the air. She was about to swing."
Levi paused.
"Stopped it before it got worse but yeah, that's all I know. You'll have to get the rest out of her." Ryder motioned to me with a nod.
I wasn't going to be so easy to crack though. I can deal with Amber on my own. I don't need anyone to get involved and just make it worse for me. It would only fuck things up more.
I looked over at the boys to find them doing some handshake then quickly after Ryder left.
Levi turned to look at me.
Dread settled in. I waited for him to say something. To scold me. To coerce me into telling him everything that happened but he just remained quiet. He just looked at me. Waiting.
I rolled my eyes, "Aren't you going to ask me what happened?"
"What's the point? Not like you'd say anything."
That was true. I probably wouldn't tell him even if he asked. But he needs to at least talk to me. I don't deserve the silent treatment here. I'm the victim, not the other way around.
"You know I spent lunch looking for you," his jaw tensed. "Now I know that you can't be left alone period."
I heard he spent lunch with Amber. Bunch of bullshit he was telling me.
I gritted out, "I'm not some stupid damsel in distress. And don't give me that crap about looking for me. I heard you were with Amber." My fingers curled into fists.
"I was with Amber cuz I wanted to ask if she saw you," he continued, "She then tried to make it all about her."
I crossed my arms over my chest and stood up from the step. I still didn't know what the big confrontation between Levi and Amber was about so I can't exactly accuse him of lying.. I could try but it wouldn't be fair. I didn't feel comfortable asking him about it either.
"Okay well whatever you say." My eyes narrowed at him. "I don't need a babysitter. I'm not incapable."
"I didn't say you were incapable, Emme," he let out a rough sigh, " I just don't think I can leave you alone knowing something happened between you and Amber."
"You'd have to change all your classes for that to happen," I pointed out. I didn't want him to baby me. I wanted him to get past this minor glitch in the day and forget it ever happened. If Amber wanted to come after me again, let her. I'm not gonna worry about her.
"I wouldn't have to. I'll just ask one of the guys whoevers in each of your classes to watch out for you."
Great, my own personal bodyguards. That will draw more attention.

Foster Me: Emerson's Secret (ON GOING)
JugendliteraturMy name is Emerson Mitchell. It's the name that is printed in black ink on my birth certificate. I don't know if I was named after a relative or if my biological parents stumbled upon the name in a baby book one day. I don't know much about my life...