I don't remember when I started to journal. It became a habit. I would always write something in my note book even if it was just two lines. It helped me sort through some of my emotions as I was being placed in new home after new home.
November 15, 2013
Dear Journal,
I arrived at Jake and Carol's home. It's a really nice place. Probably by far the nicest home I've been in since...well you know who. Jake and Carol live in a private neighborhood in Vancouver. It's really exclusive. Something you can only imagine well off families living in. Every house on the block had white picket fences and the greenest grass I've ever laid my eyes on. Everything is just so well taken care of in the neighborhood and it terrifies me. I've been in homes to know that perception can be very wrong.
P.S the neighbor across the street seems like a real psycho
I woke up the next morning after my first sleep in my 'temporary' room. I slept well considering all the thoughts racing through my mind all night. In my mind, all I could think about was all the ways this could go very wrong. The first night in any new home is never the easiest. For me the first night, my mind is always racing. I remember past experiences in homes and somehow my mind becomes wrapped up in the thought of all the horrible things repeating again.
The clock read 6am and I was surprised that I was even up this early. You'd think I would have slept in till the afternoon after all the traveling I did the other day. I pushed the covers off and swung my legs to the side to get out of bed. My feet met with the cold ground and I instantly shivered. I made my way to my suitcase, opened it and found a pair of fuzzy socks that I brought. I quickly put my socks on. Instant warmth carressed my feet.
I needed to find something to do while I waited to hear some noises coming from downstairs. I didn't want to go downstairs to make some breakfast then be accused of stealing something. It was best I stayed up here.
I thought about writing in my journal but there wasn't much I could write about. I thought about trying to sleep a bit more but I wasn't tired. So I started getting ready. I grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of sweats from my suitcase. I changed clothes and threw my already worn pjays into the laundry hamper. Jake and Carol really did think of everything.
"Emerson, you're awake" I faintly heared Carol say in the hallway.
"Um yeah."
"May I come in?" she asked.
"Sure." Just as I sat back down on the bed, Carol opened the door and walked in.
"Good morning," she smiled.
"Did you sleep well?" she asked.
I nodded.
"I'm glad to hear that." Carol looked around the room. "So are you sure you like the room? We could always get someone to come redo the walls if you don't like it."
I shook my head, "No no it's great. It's uh nice."
"You sure?"
I nodded. Yes I was sure. The room was perfect. The room was everything a girl could want in a room. My problem was I just didn't know how well I would fit in with it.
"Okay well I'm going to go make breakfast. Is there something you eat normally in the mornings?"
Yeah cereal... "Cereal will be fine."
"What about eggs, bacon and hashbrowns? How does that sound?"
"Sounds lavished" I thought to myself. I fidgeted with my fingernails, "Sounds good thanks."
"Would you like to come help me with breakfast?" Carol asked, a hint of hopefulness in her voice. I could tell she was trying to start developing a relationship with me. Course in my mind, I didn't want to..It was too soon and I definately was no fool to let them in so easily. If you grow too attached so quickly and it doesn't work out, leaving hurts alot more.
"Well?" Carol asked again as I didn't answer her.
"I've got some stuff to do"
"Oh alright," she gave a weak smile. "Another time."
I nodded.
I sat at the table and pushed my food around on the plate. My plate had 3 pieces of bacon, one egg and a spoonful of hashbrowns; all I thought I would finish quickly but haven't touched yet.
Jake sat across from me, reading a newspaper as he sipped on his cup of coffee. Carol too sat down at the table, nursing her own cup of coffee.
Carol was the first one to speak. "So Emerson, is there anything specific you'd like to do today? I would love to show you around the neighborhood if you would like."
"I was thinking I'd explore on my own." I told her looking up from my plate.
"Oh okay."
"Nothin' personal," I explained. "I'll just need to find my own way around here. Best I figure that out on my own."
Jake added still reading, "Just make sure you have change for a pay phone just until we can get you a phone."
"I dont need a phone," I said abruptly. "I can manage with a pay phone."
"No no," Carol said. "It will make us feel alot better knowing you can call us if there is no payphone around.."
I didn't need a phone..I really didn't need anything more from them. Last thing I want to feel is that I owe more to them.
"Really, we insist," Carol added.
"Ok," I sighed, "But just a simple phone. I don't need some high-tech thing."
"Deal," Carol smiled. "We can go pick it out together sometime soon."
"So um," I continued to push the food around on my plate, "There is this boy that lives next door--"
"Yes," Carol said. "The neighbors son Levi. I think he's about your age."
"He seems kinda creepy."
Carol chuckled, "Did you meet him yet?"
"No," I shook my head. "I just saw him yesterday when you guys were bringing in my things. He stared at me real awkwardly."
"Don't worry about him," Jake chimed in. "He probably was just curious to see someone new."
Carol nodded in agreement.
"He needs to work on not freaking people out when he's curious...He honestly looked like he was about to pounce on me."
Carol and Jake chuckled.
I wasn't over exaggerating here. Course they seemed to think I was. That boy wasn't inconspcious at all. He wanted to attack me. I'm sure of it.
Foster Me: Emerson's Secret (ON GOING)
Novela JuvenilMy name is Emerson Mitchell. It's the name that is printed in black ink on my birth certificate. I don't know if I was named after a relative or if my biological parents stumbled upon the name in a baby book one day. I don't know much about my life...