There were so many questions I wish we could just ask Trenton. If only we knew he would give us answers even if that meant sealing his fate.
I really thought we had a solid lead when we came across those classified ads. Karielle could have very well had her own ad looking for potential partners in America. Her parents could have come across Trenton response to the ad and there you have it, they thought they found the perfect guy for her.
Levi is still convinced they were introduced to each other during Trenton's business trip to Stockholm. It's a possibility for sure, we have no proof to deny those claims.
Where are we suppose to look now?
We hit a stumbling block in our investigation so quickly after we decided to start. Who were we kidding when we thought we could solve this suspicious case.
We put the case aside so we could focus on something we could do. Create our fake baby so we can get a decent grade on the assignment.
I'm not going to get into genes and what not since many of you will have to learn about it at some point but our kid turned out very 'humanly.' No fish tail as we thought would occur but that's because neither of us are creatures with tails.
We figured out a lot about our fake child by flipping a coin. I guess that's how it works anyway in real life. We ended up with a girl with a mole on her cheek and freckles. She has blue eyes, thin lips(thanks to Levi), a small chin and a small nose. She's completely average.
We were expecting abnormal results consider how abnormal our lives have been. If somehow in the assignment we needed to write about our parents characteristics how would we have known? They abandoned us.
"At least we got this done." Levi plucked the textbook out of my hand. "Now we can have fun."
I took the book back from him. "I've got other homework to do. There's some reading and then I-"
Levi got up from the carpet and interrupted me before I could say anything else. "Emme, shut up. Let's go for a ride."
"I can't. I have stuff I need to get done."
"Later. We need to chill out."
We're trying to juggle being regular kids and secretly investigating Trenton, there is no free time.
"We could be thinkin' too much. We're missin' something."
"We're missing perfect time to figure this shit out, Levi." I snapped. "We can't be kids when we're trying to do adult things."
"Then stop for now. Somethin' will come about."
"I can't. Karielle is counting on us and the more we push it aside the less likely we'll ever find out what happened."
"What if I don't want to know," he said bluntly. "This will change a heck lot."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Who cares about our feelings? Karielle is dead, she doesn't get a second chance. I'd take---eternity of misery if that meant bringing justice." Someone that genuine deserves to rest in peace.
"You don't get it. This will destroy my mom. She's innocent in this. What about her?"
"You agreed to help me, Levi. Don't change your mind now all because I don't want to go to some stupid petting zoo or party with you." I replied crossly. "This is way more important!"
He scowled at me. "Other stuff is important too. Don't get caught up in this."
It's too late not to care about Karielle. I can't sit back now and let what happened to her slide. Maybe it was an accident like Trenton claims. Or maybe something sketchy happened too. How can I not care?
"I'm becoming obsessive, I get that, but you either support me or you don't."
Levi's face twisted, "What do you think I've been doing?"
Complaining a lot more than helping. I wasn't going to say that out loud.
"Maybe you should stop. I get that there is a lot of risks for you. It would be easier for you if you take a step back. I'll figure this one out."
I watched him walk away, feeling the sudden urge to burst into tears and chase after him. I always come off harsh when in a weird way I am trying to be considerate. I realize the risk here and I should be sparing him from his father realizing he had some part in putting him away.
Mack invited me over to her place to enjoy their new spa jacquizzi. I tried my best to get out of it, thinking I could better use my time trying to do more research on the elusive Trenton Jacobs. She didn't fall for my attempts.
I reluctantly slipped out of my halter top and shimmed down shorts. I stepped into the spa and the shock of the hot water set a jolt through my body.
"So here's something to think about. Why are men going balder at an older age?"
"They have less hair to begin with? I don't know." I fastened my hair into a high bun and eased my way into the water.
"Nope. Because their wearing their hair longer."
"That wasn't funny, Mack."
"I thought it was pretty funny." She shrugged and sunk deeper into the water. "God did I ever need this!"
"How'd you get your parents to get it?"
"I said something about it being proven helpful in academic performance. " She nudged me on the arm and smirked. "They didn't even ask for an academic article."
Her parents are never around so I can't see them asking for proof. Next time she should tell her parents that by keeping a dolphin as a pet it teaches responsibility.
"Trade places with me, Mack. My parents are too 'involved.'" That's something I've always wanted in foster parents but there is such a thing as being helicopter parents.
"I'll see if I can find academic articles to help you out. What are you thinkin', pizza for every meal or a car?"
I don't expect a car from Jake or Carol but they probably would get me one if I asked. Pizza for every meal I couldn't handle. It would need to be something much greater.
If only I could ask for Karielle to come back.
Foster Me: Emerson's Secret (ON GOING)
Novela JuvenilMy name is Emerson Mitchell. It's the name that is printed in black ink on my birth certificate. I don't know if I was named after a relative or if my biological parents stumbled upon the name in a baby book one day. I don't know much about my life...