I felt like I had been stomped on over and over again. Guilt nagged at me.
I never intended to cut Amber that deeply. I just did the only thing I could do to make me feel better as she was attacking me like that. She didn't know me enough to accuse me of trying to 'ruin' Levi, but I also didn't know her well enough to bring up something so private.
There's things you should never bring up. Abortion, is one of them.
I immediately regretted it once it left my lips but the damage had already been done. No matter how horrible she's been to me, I didn't need to retaliate. I know that now.
I hurt that girl.
I needed to confess to Levi. I had to tell him what I did. Maybe he could go talk to Amber and...apologize for me or something.
"Levi!" I pushed past the group of people in the hallway and over to him. He was standing by his open locker, looking through it.
Levi looked over his shoulder at me and smiled. "Hey you. What's up?"
"I did something really bad," I bit out.
"Ok. What happened?" He slammed his locker shut then leaned against it. He crossed his arms over his chest.
I looked away from him, "I said something to Amber I shouldn't have..."
"What did you say?"
"She was accusing me of some stuff and then I retaliated by bringing up the word abortion.." I wanted to give him the long version of all the crap she said to me, hoping it would earn me some sympathy votes but I knew that would do no good.
I had to take responsibility for my actions.
"Abortion? Why would you bring that up of all things?"
I raised an brow. I wanted to hurt her with the truth, that's why. "It's the truth!"
"You have no idea what you're talking about," he mumbled, grabbing onto my arm.
We bypassed the bathrooms and headed straight into an empty classroom. He slammed the door shut behind us. "What the hell?!" I yanked my arm away.
I already knew the truth. I knew she had to have had an abortion. It would be the only explanation for that conversation I overheard he and Amber had.
Levi looked me square in the eye. "Amber is sensitive, Emme."
"Aren't we all?"
"Don't dig into her past, alright? That's all I'm saying."
That's saying a whole lot. "Yet it's alright if she goes digging into mine?" That wasn't fair. It's not like I intentionally try digging into her past. She on the other hand seems to love digging into my dirt. It's like a stupid hobby of hers.
"Give her a break. She's still into me."
"So take one for the team?" I raised a brow. I have to deal with all her shit just because she happens to still like him? I'm not going to be that victim just to appease him. Fuck no. "Why should I be sympathetic towards her anyway?"
"She's had a tough life."
"So have I!" Who hasn't had a tough life.
"And your right. She did have an abortion. You have to understand though that if she could have kept the baby, she would have."
"Hey," Levi said as he approached Amber by her locker. She was putting her books away in her locker.
"Hey." Amber spinned around to face him. "You heading to the cafeteria? I'm just about to head there."

Foster Me: Emerson's Secret (ON GOING)
Novela JuvenilMy name is Emerson Mitchell. It's the name that is printed in black ink on my birth certificate. I don't know if I was named after a relative or if my biological parents stumbled upon the name in a baby book one day. I don't know much about my life...