Fall of Destiny: Day Two

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            “Good morning annoying girl,” were the words that followed after the cold splash of water forcing her to wake.  Her mind flew into frenzy as she quickly rose from the bed.  The warm smile from his face drove her mad, and her hands quickly grasped the red collar.

            Despite the obvious intent for harm he wasn’t shaken as he remarked, “You’ll be late.”  And once he broke free from her grip he followed with, “It’ll be best if I drive you from now on.”  Her head spun at the idea of him driving.  “Why would that be best,” she quickly asked.

            His lips stayed sealed as he quickly handed her the breakfast of freshly cooked scrambled eggs, toast, and placed a glass of orange juice on her night stand.  Then he pointed to her neatly ironed uniform hung on her door knob.  After those matters were tended to he happily took his leave as the day’s paper in his hand.

            Her mind filled with the memories from the previous night as she squeezed the plate harder each second.  Lowery was going to pay for ruining several of her favorites.  A fiendish grin rolled over her face at the thought of beating him into a coma.

            The ride to school was met with silence as she tried her best to contain herself from attacking Lowery.  And when she was finally free of his car she returned to the hallways once again.  The white path was like a long winding tunnel leading her deeper into hell, but unlike the days from before he was here.

            While he was beside her the other students stifled their outbursts, but the stares remained nonetheless.  Lowery gave them all a cold and evil glare which silenced the stragglers here and there.  She wondered how he had such a fantastic ability on them all, and he grinned.

            “It’s not fear its respect,” he followed as if he had been reading her thoughts.  “They all know full well at any given moment that someone from the popular crowd will fall.  And then it’s my job to pick up the pieces.”  She nodded and proceeded down the vast hallway with Lowery by her side, since the reverence and silence kept the other students at bay.

            Her time in her classes breezed by her as the turmoil endured from yesterday finally faded away.  The peace she felt before lingered on because of Lowery’s presence.  However she knew this feeling would be temporary, if things weren’t fixed immediately.

            Her steps were swift as she dashed towards the cafeteria with Helen by her side, since Lowery had taken off during the previous period.  Even though Destiny had pleaded for him to stay, he left anyways.  He claimed he had business to tend to, and the rest of the time in class was the usual hell she had been experiencing.  She was eager to escape when she did, and she was delighted when she met Helen along the way.

            Helen’s warm smile comforted her today.  She was a beautiful slender girl like Destiny, except she three inches taller.  Her soft skin was like mocha and so were her eyes.  Her black hair was always short as a fuse and the butterfly hair clip only accented this further.

            Destiny recalled picking out that clip a few years back for Helen.  Then when Christmas arrived Helen opened her gifts and immediately fell in love with the cute trinket.  Ever since that day she wore it proudly.

            The cafeteria was crowded like always and her spirit broke as she became the center of attention once more.  The snickers, the whispers, and the taunts drove her mad.  She wanted to let the dam break until all the pent up water flowed from her jade eyes.  “Lowery where are you,” she whimpered.

            He wasn’t there and that fact was transparent as Helen tried to carry the heavy load.  Destiny didn’t want to go on, since her life was still a wreck despite the false success she had seen in Lowery’s care.  But she had to somehow as Helen continued to try and drag her along.

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