Delusions of Eden: Day Five Point Five

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            Again the stuffy chamber was upon her after fierce smash was made when the pallid door sealed.  The unpleasant thoughts swirled, until the brightness of the pastel space drove her mind further into chaos.  Desperation clouded her brain when the warm trickles spilled upon the door after her head hammered against it.  Such a mindset was foolish to her mind once she sank to the putrid floor beneath.

            Gradual drops continued to leak from the wound.  Each moment within the dreariness and silence her hectic ideas swelled to their max.  No longer could she endure the torture as the scream escaped her cherry lips.

            “Poor Margo,” rang throughout the room when Margo’s eyes frantically searched for the source.  Although she was certain this small area was deserted except for her, the voice remained.  “You’re trying to escape, but you can’t!”

            “Who’s there,” Margo replied.

            Snickers left the demented lips before the taunts lingered.  “You want to escape so badly, but there is no escape.  The lines are blurred!”

            Her mind was frantic while she continued to search, “Where you?”

            Once more the sniggers escaped, “The lines are blurred, they’re blurred, and another will fall.”

            “You mean Oliver, what in the hell have you done,” Margo spat.

            Soft titters continued danced along the currents of air.  “Nothing yet, but soon he will fall.”

            The assumptions began to craft inside of Margo’s head when she queried, “What in the hell are you doing this for?”

            “Nothing,” was the childish remark that echoed within Margo’s ears when the young creature materialized.  “But soon he’ll be swallowed whole,” it beamed, while the blond locks swayed with each step forward upon her bare soiled feet.  Although the individual wore the usual attire of the females within Eden, the humanity of this organism was questionable as Margo stared further into the onyx eyes.

            Her movements were instant when she vanished before Margo’s weary eyes, and returned where Margo rested.  “I am not; you are the fiend not me,” she bellowed.  “You are the evil one!  You, you, you, Miss Margo Holt, are the foul one here.”

            Shrieks escaped Margo’s mouth as the insanity this being carried bared its demented fangs.  Gradual pants escaped Margo’s lips when the dread of death spun around while the youthful female danced gleefully.

            “You are the evil one,” were the twisted words that escaped the creature’s coarse lips.  “You are, you are, you are!  The game is at the climax because of you.  Now the lines are blurred, because your only crutch has perished!”

            “Wait,” Margo roared.  “What are you talking about?  Perished, who?”

            The giggles sailed from the petite frame before she vanished once again.  “Your dear friend Polly has fallen in both worlds now.  Now you’re all alone, and that means I’m free to play.”

            Rapid tears streamed down Margo’s warm face, until the sadness overcame her form.  “Damn you,” she roared.  “This was supposed to be an escape!  Now Polly’s dead, what the hell kind of twisted dream is this!”

            “You’ll succumb,” the girl chimed in response.  “Soon the wickedness will consume you, because you’re all alone.  First in Eden every person you once cared for, and even those you didn’t have fallen.  While here in Twin Ledges those same friends have no clue about your countless adventures together.  The man you love isn’t the same as he was on the other side, and as it stands now the only person that cared within Twin Ledges is deceased.  Which means, dear Margo Holt you are completely alone.”

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