Domino: Chapter Two - Punk

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“يمكن للذكريات مريرة الحلو من الدموع والدماء 1 على طريق الدمار (The bitter sweet memories of tears and blood can lead one down the path of destruction)” – Ayn the destroyer

            The tides of the graceful breeze sailed against his face as another day of combat simulations was upon him.  Even though the horrid day was in the past the shame never passed as the memories of Kontar shined brightly in his dark eyes while the arrow sailed.  But again the jade vines extended from her mighty frame, until the jagged thorns slightly nicked his face.

            “Damn it Bab,” Daris roared.  “I swear I’ll beat you one day!”

            The cackles were strong as she replied, “Keep dreaming sixteen.”

            “Stop it,” he growled.  “Just because you’re my senior and a number higher than me doesn’t mean in any sense that you’re better than me.”

            “Losing my virginity to my Catalyst does,” she firmly bit.  “Perhaps you’ve forgotten about this, but it is the only way to obtain your true abilities.”

            “Damn it you’re working on my last nerve el Sama!”

            “Ooo I’m quaking in my leather boots,” she bit in return.

            “If I fuse my lightning with the arrows then I’ll finally have an edge of you!”

            “If you say so,” were the words that escaped Bab’s lips as the knife flung from her hand.  Even though his reflexes were well honed the blade slid against his flesh thanks to the jade vine.  The firm bite gripped his lip, until the drops of crimson leaked from the fresh wound.

            Despite the heavy toll the countless hours had on his form he understood each hour within the past five years had been necessary.  Within this land weakness was seen as a crime, and for such would be a disgrace to the title he currently held.  Yet like usual his mature body came crashing down as the exhaustion overwhelmed his weary mind again.  “What happens when we die,” he asked.

            Gradually her shadow graced over his short frame, until the strong words escaped.  “Why do you ask?”

            “I’m just wondering if the tales my father keeps reciting are true or not,” he exhaled.  “I mean seriously there’s no one that’ll believe that such a place like Dominga exists.  Hell for that matter I doubt anyone believes there is anything beyond Lulinga.”

            Swiftly the stiff punch connected to his messy head before she spat, “You’re an idiot!  Read the damn tome already and then you’ll understand.”

            “Yeah right,” he snarled.  “There’s no way in hell I’ll read that pack of lies written by some loon several hundred millennia ago.”

            “You better or else it’s your hide that’s on the line sixteen,” she moaned.

            “Bab you’re worse than Astera you know that,” he sighed.  “I swear that tattletale is on my last nerve!  I can’t wait until she gives up on this trend to have me expelled from the Dominos, because she’ll never have my place.  If it continues I might have to execute her.”

            Immediately the hard sniggers escaped her dark lips.  “You complain about this shitty situation all the time sixteen, but there’s absolutely no way that you’d ever go through with your threat.  Naveed would have you sliced by ra Naga the first chance you attempted such a foolish idea.”

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